Chapter 8

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At breakfast the next morning no one mentioned the events of last night or the weekend and quietly ate breakfast while reading the Daily Prophet. Nothing exciting was happening just more of the same updates on the new positions being filled at the ministry and any changes made to the law that Hermione and the law council were making. Plus the usual who was marrying who and advertisement for boutiques and stores opening up in Diagon Alley.

"Oh look Hermione Pavati is opening a beauty store in Diagon Alley next week" said Ginny excitedly

"Oh I love her products we should go to the opening" said Hermione excitedly

"How have you used them already there no available yet" asked Ginny

" was given a sample pack" said Hermione thinking quickly

Ginny raised her eyebrow at Hermione clearly seeing through the fabrication but knew it must have been part of the several boxes that were delivered when Hermione finished her training.

"Ok" she said slowly "we'll go if you're here for it" said Ginny knowing that Hermione may not be

"Thanks for understanding" said Hermione sincerely.

Kreatcher walked in and handed Hermione and Harry their travel cups full of coffee "late going to be late" he said. Harry kissed Ginny and wished her a good training session and followed Hermione to the fire place.

As Hermione and Harry walked to the lifts through the foyer Hermione spotted Draco stepping out of the fire place right behind a mystery blonde and walking to the lifts together. Hermione nudged Harry and gave a nod in Draco's direction. Draco and the blonde stepped into the lift with Harry and Hermione following them and just before the doors closed the pretty brunette from the other day stepped in. She looked sweetly at Draco and gave a little flirty smile and then the Blonde a death stare who returned it.

"Good morning Granger" said Draco smoothly with a little flirt in his tone

"Morning Malfoy" said Hermione with a smirk

"Potter" nodded Malfoy

"Malfoy" replied Harry "Nice weekend" asked Harry trying not to laugh and causing an already awkward situation more awkward.

"Yes...Thank you" said Malfoy a little short

The lift stopped and the blond pulled Draco down to kiss him on the lips "See you around" she smouldered to Draco and smirked at the Brunette as she passed her.

The Brunette girl looked furious but didn't say anything and when the lift stopped she walked out without looking back. As soon as the doors closed Harry and Hermione burst out laughing. Harry was doubled over holding his stomach and Hermione had tears in her eyes and was gripping the hand rail to hold herself up.

"Well that was awkward" said Draco dryly

"Oh merlin I can't breathe" said Harry laughing harder

Hermione was crouching in a ball she could no longer stand she was laughing so hard she couldn't see because tears were now dripping down her cheeks.

"It really wasn't that funny" said Draco annoyed that they were enjoying it way too much.

"It really was" said Harry still laughing.

Draco pushed passed them as soon as the lifts opened and stormed through the cubicles causing them to start laughing more. Hermione took a moment to collect herself before leaving Harry at his office door to go to her own office.

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