Chapter 9

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Hermione's eye fluttered open and she realised there was a strong arm was wrapped around her and her head was not on a pillow as it should have been but more on Draco's shoulder with her forehead pressed against his neck and her hand resting over his heart, her leg was wrapped around one of his. Quite surprisingly she was very comfortable and had slept very well next to him.

Hermione lay still and she press her hand gently into Draco's chest to feel his heart beating. It was strong and calm and it brought her a little smile of comfort but she wasn't sure why. She was startled and almost had a heart attack when Draco spoke

"Checking to see if I actually do have a heart Granger" He said chuckling as he made her jump she hadn't realise he was awake.

"Oh...You're awake... you gave me heart attack" she said as she removed her hand from his chest and placed it over her own heart

Draco rolled them both so she was on her back with his arm was now underneath her, their legs still intertwined and placed his hand on her heart

"Yeah.... I woke up about half an hour ago" he said quietly still feeling her heart

"Half an hour why didn't you wake me or push me off you" asked Hermione a little confused

"You seemed peaceful I didn't want to disturb you" he said looking at her with an odd expression. Removing his hand from her heart he rolled back and slid his arm out from her and got up out of bed. Hermione watched him as he walked to the bathroom. She lay in bed while Draco showered, pre planning their mission for today in her head they needed to find Master and his goons, tag the new contact then follow him and tag anyone he comes into contact with that is related to their case. And then in 4 Weeks when Master was due to return to England they would round them all up and send them to gaol.

Sounded so much easier when she thought about it like that. She heard the shower turn off and decided to get up so she could shower before breakfast downstairs. Hermione was rummaging in her suitcase for something to wear when Draco came out with a towel around his waist still a little wet. He froze when he saw her bending over her suitcase in her little shorts. Suddenly needing a cold shower.

"Bathrooms free" He said casually

Hermione straighten up abandoning the suitcase "Oh Thanks ...I'll just jump in then" She stammered catching site of him half naked. Hermione hurried to the bathroom and closed the door.

As she got in the shower and washed, a million questions started racing through her mind

'What's wrong with me?'

'I've seen him half naked before millions of times'

'What the hell was with the feeling of his heart thing'

'And what the hell was with him feeling my heart'

'Pull yourself together Hermione You. Are. A. Professional.'

In the room as Draco was getting dressed he was having the same conversation with himself

'What the bloody hell is wrong with me?'

'I've seen her half naked in lingerie a million times'

'Why the hell did I feel her heart'

'Pull yourself together Draco you are a Malfoy she is your partner not a play toy'

'Romantic attachments at work will get you killed'

After they dressed Draco in Jeans and black t-shirt and converse and Hermione in a floral summer dress with shoe string straps that ended mid-thigh and cute summer wedges, they walked to breakfast. Hand in hand and smiling. They had a nice long breakfast on the patio in the sun a few tables away from Master and listened through the ear again. Hermione realised that Phillipe had set it up so that one ear was always at the table reserved for him and his people while their table was always far enough away that they could listen in and not be heard but always kept a visual.

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