'Omg Lilssss is so happy for you!' I say honestly. Lily has been through a lot and she honestly deserves all the happiness she gets.

'You know when he dropped me off home,we'll we kinda kissed' she says hiding her face

'OMG! No way!'

'I know, do you think it was too soon? I don't want to be rushed into things' she says sighing

'Lils it was just a kiss, it can't do no harm. Just tell Marcus that you'd rather take things slow' I reassure her.

'Anyways enough about me, how about you and Jesse?' she says wiggling her eyebrows. I laugh at her

'I don't even know Lils like I feel like I'm really starting to fall for him but im scared'

'What you scared of?' she asks me, looking confused

'Well Josh told me yesterday that Jesse didn't treat his ex well and that he's scared he's going to do the same to me. Like I know I shouldn't judge his past but I really don't want to get hurt again lils' i say to her.

'Aria not everyone is like Liam. You need to atleast give Jesse a chance, i can tell that he likes you. And don't over think it. You met the boy on Tuesday and it's Friday you guys are just getting to know eachother' she says, and everything she said is true.

'Your right.'

'Take this date as an opportunity to get to know him. You could even bring it up if it really bothers you that much. But you have to give him a chance.' She says.

'Yeah okay. Right let's find an outfit or else they'll be no date at all.' I say laughing and we start to look for outfits


We end up buying my whole outfit from Zara, without even having to go into other shops.

We go back to the car and decide to drive back to mine.

'You wanna just chill with me at my aunties before he picks me up?' I ask her.

'Yeah, I don't mind. And I can help you get ready. I'm so excited' she says clapping her hands together in joy.

'Please focus on the road or else there will be no date' I say laughing and she makes her way to my aunties.


When we get back we go up to my room and watch movies on my laptop all day eating snacks.

'I've missed doing this' Lily says to me as we're half way through our 3rd film, identity theft.

'I know same' I say to her.

'You know I was thinking of moving back here. Like by myself just get a little flat and maybe I can take my modelling more seriously' I say to her.

'Omg are you serious! Well you already know how I feel about the modelling, you already have the looks for it so why not and OMG! If you move here we can get a flat together' she says jumping up.

'Yeah, we'll it was just a thought, I'll speak to my mum about it. Maybe I'll move just before my birthday'

'That's in October, that's 3 months away. It's almost the end of July now. Omg I'm going to have my bestfriend back' she says getting excited.

'Yeah, I really miss it here and you' I say and we carry on watching the film.
'Omg what time is it we have to get you ready' Lily says Jumping up.

'It's 5:30, he ain't picking me up until 7. We have plenty of time.'

'Are you crazy?! That's not enough time! Get up so I can do your hair' she says and I drag myself to the dressing table as she gets my hair stuff out.

'What you doing to it' I ask her.

'Don't worry about what I'm doing. Make a start on your make up' She says and I laugh about how serious she's taking it.


It's now 6:55 and Lily has finished doing my hair and I've done doing my make up and I put my outfit on. God knows why it took so long! (Outfit up top)

'Omg you look so beautiful' she says as I get my bag and put stuff I need in it.

'Thank you, don't you think I'm a little over dressed.' I ask her.

'Sh no such thing as over dressed. Go and get your man girl' she says and pushes me outside the bedroom door and we both make our way downstairs.

'Omg, Aria. You look so pretty' Alexandra says to me ask come down the stairs.

'Mum don't lie to her' josh says and I stick my tongue out at him.

'I'm joking Lil cuz, you look nice' he says and raffles up my hair before running upstairs.

'JOSHH, i just spent an hour doing her hair. Leave off' Lily says and fusses over it.

'Lils it's okay, leave it.'

'You look beautiful darling. But I still want to meet the boy' my mum says to me. And almost as if on cue the doorbell rings.

Here goes nothing, and I make my way to answer the door.

Problem? - Jesse lingard Where stories live. Discover now