Saving Mia (Again?)

Start from the beginning

"So what is that thing on your neck?"

My hand automatically goes to the hickey that the man they are asking about gave to me. Not very convincing evidence towards the fact that Cole does not care. Until I remember the dreadful words he spoke after his lips left my neck.

"He did it to punish me. After Cole saw me with Damian he must have thought I liked Damian and he doesn't want me to be with anyone because he wants me to be as miserable as possible. He gave me a hickey so that people leave me alone and then he left me in the parking lot by myself."

The second man turns to the first and says, "A wolf would not do that to his mate. Even if his human wanted him to, a wolf would prevent any tries."

Although I understood each word by itself, it felt like this man was speaking another language. What was he talking about?

"What do you mean, wolf?"

Both men stare at me like I grew a second head.

"You mean you don't know?"

"Don't know what?" Now they are confused, and I am confused and nothing makes any sense. How can they be confused? They orchestrated the whole thing.

"About werewolves?"

I laugh out loud, because this is ridiculous. Werewolves are fictional. Damian turning from wolf to human was some magic trick I don't get.

Man number two speaks directly to me this time when he says "Cole is a werewolf and you are his mate."

I am actually speechless. This guy says the words with such seriousness, such assuredness that I can't doubt him. But I have to, because werewolves are not real. They cannot be real.

But the more I try to convince myself that these men are crazy, or that I somehow passed out on the drive and am dreaming this whole conversation I cannot help but think back on the past few months. Small things that suddenly make more sense. Raven asking me about wolves the first day we met. The fact that all these seventeen-year-olds are friends with twenty-year-old Cole. They are a pack. They stick together no matter how old. Cole calling Jason Beta. Cole having meetings with his father and other men I have never seen before. The fact that Cole has not once been intimidated by wolves that crossed his path.

Werewolves exist. It may be unbelievable, but it is true.

So instead of arguing that fact I argue another.

"I am not Cole's mate."

I have heard about werewolves and mates; wolves have soulmates; another wolf they feel an instant connection to. But Cole does not have that with me. Like man number two said, wolves could never do to their mate what Cole did to me. That would be heartless and cruel.

"That is left to be seen." Man number one says. And then it is silent. Silent for a long time. A very long time.

Until it is no longer quiet. An engine roars outside and then the front door slams open.

In the doorway to the living room stands Cole. That bastard actually came.

Man number one must be thinking the same thing, because he laughs in glee.

"You must have received my message."

"I received your fucking message. Let Mia go, she is not who you want." Cole says, the anger in his voice is like nothing I have heard before. I thought I had heard him angry before, but nothing like this.

Behind Cole his father shows up and stands next to his son.

"Alexander, you have the wrong girl. Mia is not of much importance to the pack in any way. The reason we came to retrieve her is because she is the granddaughter to Isaac. She cannot be taken away. You and I both know you will not start a new war over a girl that does not matter."

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