I hate cranks!

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But it wasn't the state the building was in that made your jaw drop. There were hundreds of Cranks half hidden in the darkness. Some were stood still, some were wandering around bumping into things and some were running up and down crashing into the others and screaming. One drew close to the window and you ducked down quickly.

"How are we going to get past them?" Newt asked worried, "There must be hundreds in there."

"Over a hundred," Jorge answered not making anyone feel any better.

"Can't we go around?" Teresa asked looking scared her eyebrows raised. 

"Not if you want to see your friends much before next week. The fallen buildings have blocked off any other paths but going through here. Climbing over them in too dangerous the glass on the outside can't hold our weight which would send us plummeting to our death," he replied matter of factly.

"Ok, so what do we do?" You asked trying to find a solution to the problem.

"Not what we will do. What you will do," He corrected mysteriously nodding to you. 

"Explain, I'm not following," Fry sounded just as confused as you felt.

"To the right side of the room in there, there's a door. That door leads to a corridor that loops around the building. When you've reached the other side of the corridor, there is a crashed elevator. Inside the elevator, there is a very small gap that the Cranks can't get through. This will lead you back to us,"  he explained.

There was a moment of silence as everyone digested the plan.

"No!" Minho said immediately figuring it out. Jorge meant you would have to run through there distracting the cranks while the others got to the other side of the building. Didn't sound too bad.

"Hermano, come on she is the smallest and will fit through the gap," Jorge tried to persuade him. 

"But all the Cranks," Minho argued his eyes wide. 

"You fast?" He asked and you nodded. 

"Minho come on, we don't have another choice. I run in there distract the cranks and you guys slip past them," You told him. Minho seemed to know there was no other option but the look on his face clearly suggested he wasn't happy.

"Can't Aris do it," He was clutching at straws now. Jorge looked at Aris judging him in his head,

"He's too tall the cranks will drag his legs back before we have a chance to grab him."

"Y/n?" Newt asked looked at you. You could tell he didn't like the idea either, but what choice did you have. You had to find Thomas and Brenda before Wicked caught up with you.

"I'll be fine," You told them determinedly.

"Good. Y/n what you need to do it, take those off." He indicated your bag and jacket. You slipped them off and passed them to Newt and Minho. "Sorry but that won't fit through the gap," he indicated your loose top. 

"How narrow is this?" Minho complained with poorly hidden annoyance. 

"I'm trying to save her from getting caught," Jorge argued back at him.

"Shut up, all of you," You pulled your top off glad you were wearing a sports bra at least.

"Where'd you get that?" Teresa asked staring at it with jealousy. 

"Stole it from Wicked," You smirked as you began to tie your hair in a high ponytail.

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