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The early morning sun woke you up as it just rose over the wall. Your specifically placed hammock was the first to be hit by the sun, hence you always being the first awake. You yawned and looked around the camp, the fire had burnt out and was smoking slightly. The soft breathing of the girls was barely audible over the irritating sound of the chirping birds. It was a sunny, warm day in the Centre and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. You didn't want to get out of your comfortable hammock and face running through the bloody Maze again. Getting sore feet and hot and sweaty didn't motivate you to get up but you knew you had to.

"Oh, shut up," You muttered to the noisy chirping of the birds as you changed your clothes. All you wanted was some peace and quiet so you could get ready. You couldn't even have that. 

You pulled on your combat boots and laced them up as a voice spoke from behind you.

"Be careful today." You turned around and saw Angel, she was the Alpha of the group. Angel had dark brown eyes, short black hair and was tall, taller than you. She had been the first girl in the Centre so it was obvious she would be the Alpha. You came 4th after Bella, Beta of the cooks. In your eyes she was a good leader, she was always fair and let everyone have their say, even if they were being complete wankers.

Your group leader was called the Alpha and those below her Beta's and below that Omegas. It was a bit like a Wolf pack ranking system, you were a Beta, Beta of the Runners. That meant you were the leader of the Runners and had an input as to what happened in the Centre. The Centre was a huge square inside a huge Maze and that's where you'd been trapped for as long as you could remember.

You worked well together, mostly because she was the calm one and you were the crazy, impulsive one. You had to be Beta of Runners because you needed your way to release energy that wasn't hitting anything... or anyone. You were fitter and a quick thinker, two things that were essential to survive in the Maze.

"Always am," You smirked pulling your hair into a high ponytail. 

"I'm serious Y/N," her use of your name told you she was being serious. "I have a bad feeling about something." 

"Relax," You reassured her fastening your bag tightly to your back, it had been pre-packed with supplies the night before. "What's the worst that could happen?"

"You die," she replied flatly walking with you towards the giant doors that were about to open.

"Many people wouldn't mind that," You chuckled thinking of Gail, who was Beta of the Gardeners and animals. For some reason you and Gail never seemed to see eye to eye on anything; from important decisions to what to have for dinner. Angel always said it was a personality clash, you were sarcastic and said whatever came to your head. While Gail was uptight and bossy.

"Well, screw what the others think." You came to a halt next to the, still closed, wall. "I need you here, you're the only one in this place with a good sense of humour. You can make everyone laugh." 

You chucked dryly, "Thanks for the compliment. Don't worry I'll be fine. I'm running the same routes today to check what we suspected," she nodded looking slightly calmer. 

There was a deep rumbling sound which was followed by the walls parting, showing the Maze you have run since you first arrived and knew like the back of your hand. The long stone walls that created the Maze were covered in ivy and moss. No one knew how they got there or how long they'd been there but all you knew it that you had to find a way out through the Maze.

"I'll be back before sundown," You told her giving her a reassuring smile. You hated the thought of her pacing around in the camp waiting for you to return alive and unharmed. It made you feel guilty.

"Good luck and please be careful," she repeated. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes and saluted before sprinting off into the Maze.

The route was a simple one and you had run it many times before. Your job for today was to check the high walls for signs of Grievers and any other similar damage. So far so good, let's just hope it stayed that way.

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