Chapter 15: "A Party Never Killed Nobody"

Start from the beginning

You turn on your heels, leaving behind the thick, shielding cage Damon seems to be carrying around these days. Not that you don't understand that, everyone has a wall to hide behind, a mask that's sheltering what's underneath, but you'd expected to at least get a chance to crack his a little like Kol has been breaking yours with every second he has been by your side.

"Just say the word and I 'll smite him right here, in front of these people," Kol says, appearing to be joking to everyone that might overhear your conversation, but you know he means every word.

"I'd be happy to lend a hand, brother." He says.

"Sounds tempting, but I don't think that'll be necessary." You reply, knowing full well that they'd both do as they said. Without asking questions. Not that you ever thought Kol and Klaus would ever share the same opponent.

If this is how this evening starts, who knows what'll happen?

The sudden clicking of a spoon being tabbed against a flute-glass turns heads left and right, including yours.

"If everyone could gather please," Elijah says standing halfway up the white angled staircase.

"Duty calls," Klaus says and looks at his brother before heading up the stairs. He seems to be as annoyed with the formalities as Kol is.

"You too, brother." Finn reminds Kol as he brushes by.

"Go.I'll be right here." You say, knowing that he'd rather do anything else than stand up there with the family that has never done anything else but lock him away whenever need be.

Once again, something you have in common.

"Welcome, thank you for joining us." Elijah says, looking up the staircase as Esther takes a few steps down "You know, whenever my mother brings our family together like this, it's tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance. Tonight's pick is a centuries-old waltz, so if all of you could please find yourselves a partner, please join us in the ballroom."

With that, people are moving as if compelled, quickly switching rooms.

"Shall we, darling?" Kol asks descending from the steps, playfully bowing down to ask for a dance.

"We shall."

You accept Kol's offered hand, heading for the ballroom.

The first note carries through the room just as find your position, standing in a row, classic to the imminent waltz.

"I haven't danced like this in a long time." You say, taking each step, mirroring the beat of the music "I apologize in advance if I step on your toes."

"As long as you don't start, what was it, 'Ballin the jack', we shouldn't have any trouble," Kol says, the memory of your failed attempt to dance still fresh in his mind.

You laugh out loud at his comment, the loudness of your voice echoing in the spacious room, turning heads of the nearby guests "Oops."

Kol glances over while you scan the crowd, a habit you picked up over the years that seems to not be as easily shaken as one would think.

He cannot help but smile, the remnants of your laughter igniting his own, to a point where he is certain that he can't take his eyes off of you for the life of him. Not that he would mind. He wouldn't care if he'd burst into flames this second, if you and your smile are the last thing he sees.

He could go on and on, explaining the infinite reasons he loves you, but instead, he utters words as simple and as easy as the wind; "I love your laugh."

"I missed it too. There weren't too many positive things to smile about for a long time."

"You might want to start to get used to it. I intend to hear it as often as I possibly can."

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