Start from the beginning

"Yeah, I'm uh, one of Matt's close friends."

I looked away scratching my head.

"Good for you."
"You know he's always talking shit about you-"

"I'm sure he is... Look I really have to get back."

"Hey wait, what do you want me to do about him?"

He asked rubbing the back of his neck.

"What do you mean?"
"I mean, you two are always fighting, you clearly hate eachother... Why? I don't know, but it's getting kind of annoying and he obviously still loves Ally."

"Where are you going with this?"
I asked confused.

"How do I get him to drop it? I mean he's a great guy, really, but he's been telling me about how he's trying to get Ally back from you and shit, always calling you an unworthy bastard-"

"Did he say how he's been trying to get Ally back?"

I asked staying calm but getting angry at the thought of him talking to her.

"He told me he's talked to her a little but she hates him still... I just don't get why he won't let her go. He never SEEMED this into her, ya know? I really don't know how they stayed together for years... She never looked very happy and he always acted annoyed or pushy around her."

"What do you mean annoyed or pushy?"
I asked clenching my fists a little.

"Well they'd try and hide it but me as his bestfriend, I could tell by the way he'd look at her sometimes, like that look saying 'if you don't shut up I'm gonna strangle you'... Then Ally was always quiet around him, almost afraid. Sometimes it seemed like it hurt her... All I'm saying, is that towards the end, they didn't seem so great, I don't get why he cares so much."
He explained to me as I was realizing how long I've been gone from Ally.

"What do you mean towards the end?"
I asked as he sighed.

"Ally and Matt weren't ALWAYS like that, in the beginning they were happy. He was happy. It seems like ever since..."
He paused as if realizing he said something he shouldn't have.

"What? Ever since what?"
I asked quickly.

"Well... Ever since his father got sent to the emergency room from his mom."

Confusion hit me.

"What do you mean? What did his mom do?"
"She always yelled at his dad alot, one day she went over board and punched him a couple times. He's a man so he could handle that ya know? Well then she pushed him down the stairs and hurt him pretty damn bad. I don't know, I felt kind of bad for him.. I'm the only one he's told though, maybe Ally knows too considering they were dating then. From what I've heard, he still has problems at home."
He said. I nodded.

"Hey can we talk about this later? I really have to go.. Thanks for uh, telling me that though man."

I said turning around and walking back to the dance.


Ally's POV:

After two fast songs passed I started to wonder what was taking Chris forever. A slow song came on and Niall asked Macy to dance. I walked away to go find Chris. I didn't know which restrooms he went to, so I started walking toward the one near the cafeteria.

Matt asked softly as I was turning around the corner of the hallway.

"Not right now please, I'm going somewhere."
I begged turning around.

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