Chapter 10

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(Sadly, yes, this is the last chapter but I'm feeling confident about it.)

4 years later

Noah and I decided to move to London and really I have no clue why but hey people do crazy things when in love.

We are happy together and that's all that matters. We both still have that bad boy/ bad girl image about us to others but to eachother we are super loving.

Yes, we are engaged.

It happened so briefly I hardly remember it. We were at this really nice restaurant and after we ate desert we went to a park and he got down on one knee and pulled a box out of his pocket.

I was a little surprised but I was mostly happy. I knew this moment would come, he'd said it himself when he got me that precious ring that I told him not to buy, but my engagement ring was way beautifulier than that ring and I didnt think that was possible yet, it happened.

We live in a small flat in the heart of London and I may or may not have met Harry Styles one time. It was stupid really.

I was just walking down the street minding my own business when I decide I want some fish & chips so I go into the store and bam! There he is.

I got him to take a few pictures with me and he even got my number, ITS NOT WHAT YOUR THINKING, we are friends now. It's kinda cool having a pop star as a friend. He is really sweet and he admits to dating Louis Tomlinson at one point but it was years ago.

I kinda laughed when he tried to explain it to me seeing how awkward he was but he just kinda came out and told me, we are really open about everything.

As for Luke, he got to where he could cook and clean so he able to be home by himself. He is now 18 and it's Hard to believe that kid is 18. He really wants to see me so as a graduation present Noah and I are flying him over to see us for a few weeks.

I'm so happy I met Noah and maybe moving away from my parents wasnt such a bad thing.


I'm going to write an authors note next chapter, It will be up soon.

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