Chapter 4

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I wake up at 7 again and do the same thing this morning as I did yesterday morning but this time I stayed home.

Me: Noah I need you and Luke at my house by 9

Noah: Okay, well be there :)

Me: Kk I'm gonna prepare a picnic and I'll bring a soccer and football.

Noah: Okay :))

Me: Double chin :))

Noah: Why are you wearing a sweater?

I look out my window to see Noah standing there in sweatpants and a t shirt.

Me: I'm not gonna wear this while we are out its entirely to hot for that but it's a bit chilly right now.

Noah: gotcha

Me: get Luke up and get eating, we are gonna need the energy...

Noah: He's eating already
after he does that hes gonna get ready

Me: Is it just me or is he REALLY fit for 13?

Noah: He plays football so...

Me: That explains it

Noah: Okay well I'm gonna go eat!

Me: ok

I laugh at his words, Luke plays football huh? I chuckle a bit as I head down the stairs with my empty duffle bag in hand.

I throw my soccer ball and football in my bag before throwing it next to the front door.

I walk into the kitchen and pull out the small picnic basket before making ham sandwiches and putting them in baggies. I put that in the basket. I throw a bag of cheetos and a half gallon of minute maid with some cups in before shutting the basket.

I look at the clock and it reads 8:45.

I sit down on the bench and throw my socks and shoes on before grabbing the keys to my convertible, my hat, and sunglasses and putting them in my duffle bag.

I walk into the garage and place the bag and basket in the floor board of the backseat. I grab the keys and stick them in the ignition. I pull my hair up into a pony tail then peel the sweatshirt off me. I throw it in the bag and grab my sunglasses and hat and slide them on. I plug my phone into the aux cord and start the engine. I open the garage door and pull out then close the door back. I click on my playlist and hit play right as the boys were walking up to my house. Luke looks over at my car in awe and Noah was staring at me. I pull out onto the strait stretch next to them.

"Well good morning." I say and Noah shakes his head. I turn my music down a bit and nod to the other side for them to get in. "Nice car." Luke comments before climbing in the back. Noah climbs in the passenger seat and I look at him. "Everyone buckled and ready?" I ask and they both say yes. Party In The USA comes on and I crank the radio then pull down the driveway.

Everyone stared at us that was at the park when we pulled in but I shrug it off.

I get out of the car and grab the duffle bag and picnic basket. Noah takes the basket and sends a smile my way before he stalks off to find a table.

Soon we settle down at a table and I pull the soccer ball and football out. "Luke go long!" I yell and he takes off running. I chuck the ball twords where he was running and he catches it. "Nice throw." Noah comments and I send a smirk his way. Luke throws the ball back and I catch it. "Your pretty good!" he exclaims jogging back over. "Your not so bad yourself." I say and sit down next to Noah. "So we'll eat around 12, but for now we play." I say right as I see Stacey walking over. "Oh shit." I say and raise my eyebrows.

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