Chapter 2

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"Like I said I'm Stacey King. I'm  a Senior at Northshore High." she says once we stop on the patio on the second floor.

"Rosemary Jones. I live next door." I say and stick my thumb over at my house. "I'll be joining you all at school to finish out high school." I say and fold my arms.

"Well stay away from Noah, like I said, he has a rep." Little does she know I also have a rep. I just nod my head and pretend to be innocent. "I'll also be showing you around the school, giving you a bit of the History and you'll basically follow me around for the day before you get your schedule the next day and you'll be on your own." she says and I nod.

"Also, there is this diner that alot of us hang out at, it's called Mamas Kitchen. Their burgers and shakes are to die for." She says and my stomach grumbles. "Is there any food here?" I ask and she nods before pulling me down the stairs.

She pulls me to a huge buffet table full of little foods. I shrug and pick up an oderve then stick it in my mouth before I almost melt. I hum and she giggles. "Amy makes some of the best food, when she is home." Stacey almost whispers. I look at her sideways. "She works alot and Noah isnt responsible for Luke so she usually has someone watch him." she says and my mouth gapes open. "Oh that poor kid." I say and she nods. "If I were you I'd tell her that your free to help with him if you are." Stacey says and I nod once before stalking back to the kitchen.

Soon Amy walks in and she spots me. "Hey Amy, can I ask you something?" I ask and she nods once. "So I talked to Stacey and she said that you need help with Luke? I'll gratefully help." I say and she looks at me wide eyed. "Oh honey! That would really help. I havent been able to find someone to help with him." she says and I hug her. "Trust me, I wont bail on you." I say and let go of her. "Thank you Rose, do you think you could stay after to help a bit?" she asks and I nod once.

3 Hours Later

I was picking up trays from the long table when I hear a long groan and a poof. I turn around to see Luke face first on the couch. I giggle making him look up at me. "Why are you still here?" he asks and I smile. "Just helping your mom out." I say and turn back to what I was doing.

After I grab as many plates as possible I balance them on my arms and make my way to the kitchen. "What do you want me to do with the left over food?" I ask and she points to a bucket. "We have a dog that'll eat it." she says and I nod. "What kind of dog?" I ask. "Greyhound." she says and I smile. I scrape the leftovers into the bucket then stack them all onto each other and stick the sink where Amy was washing the off by hand.

When I go back out all the plates were cleared off so I grab the table cloths off the tables and wrap them all in each other. "Hey Luke?" I ask and he looks over at me. "Wheres the washer?" I ask and he points me down a hallway.

I walk in and see tons of laundry waiting to be done. I huff and sit the table cloths with the rest of the dirty clothes. I open the washer and stuff as much as I could in there before putting detergent and fabric softener in then start it up.

I walk out and shut the door before I walk into the kitchen again and Amy was putting the plates away. "Thanks for the help dear." she says and turn to me. "I started a load of laundry." I say and she shakes her head. "I'll tell you what, your really helping." she says and I smile. "Always happy to help." I say and she pulls me into the living room. We sit down next to Luke and he looks at us both. "Rose here is gonna be your new nanna okay Lukie?" Amy says and his eyes widen.

"Really?" he exclaims and she nods. He clings onto me and I giggle. I pay his head before running my hand over his hair. "Thank you." he whispers in my ear and I smile. "Its my pleasure." I say and he pulls away from me.

"What's your phone number so I can contact you with everything I'll need you to do?" she asks and I tell her my number as she writes it down on a piece of paper.

"NOAH!" Amy yells and I hear a groan then I see Noah walk down the stairs with no shirt on showing his defined abs and he had on basketball shorts that were a little low on his waist showing his v area a bit. "Oh your still here." he says and pulls the shorts up a bit. I bite my lip a bit. "I need you to put the tables up, also Rose here is gonna be the new Nanny." she says and his mouth gapes open a bit before he snaps it shut. "Okay." he says and clomps down the stairs and starts walks around the couch.

"Luke be a dear and get Rose's jacket." Amy says after she gets up then stalks away. I stand up and adjust myself before I could stop it my skirt hikes up and shows my small tattoo but I quickly cover it. "Was that a tattoo?" he asks and I look at him weirdly. "Uhm no." i say and shake my head. Luke appears with my leather jacket and I thank him before he goes back to playing his game.

"Well goodnight Noah." I sing before walking twords the door swaying my hips a bit before opening the door and I look back to see Noah staring at me. I smirk and shut the door behind me.

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