|Breaking Point~19|

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It had been a long day of running as I got back to the Glade and instantly felt the weight of the stress press down on my shoulders from tracking the maze. Lately, the images of Theadore's banishing and the never ending maze have been flickering through my mind every time I closed my eyes. I haven't been able to shake the thoughts and images.

I sat on the bench, pushing my food around my plate with a fork as I propped my head up with one of my hands. All of the boys noticed my quietness, especially Newt.

"C'mon Car, you're always hungry," Minho chuckled. I shrugged.

"Sorry. I just don't have much of an appetite today," I dropped my fork onto my plate. The boys exchanged nervous glances but didn't say anything else. I got up, taking my plate to Frypan, before walking past the bench of boys. Newt grabbed my hand before I was able to walk out, standing up and making me face him.

"What wrong?" He asked, very close to me. I stared at him without any emotion.

"I just want to me alone," I yanked my hand from his grasp and turned to leave before he could stop me.

I walked back to the homestead and into Newt and I's room, slamming the door shut as I began to hyperventilate. What's wrong with me?

I grabbed the wooden box that had come up with me when I first got here and placed it on the bed, digging through it as quickly as possible. I stopped when I found the smaller box buried under all of the clothes. Slowly, I took the small box out and set it next to the big one, throwing it on the bed as if it would burn my fingertips if I held on any longer.

I flicked open the lid to see the necklace that I tried to forget about for the past month and a half. The one of the chipped wood piece and the 'N' carved into it.

N. Newt. It couldn't be. The 'N' can't stand for Newt. That would imply that he was once something to me. Possibly a lover. But is that a bad thing?

I dropped the necklace back into the box and through the small box back into the big one, slamming the lid shut. I gripped the sheets of the bed as I attempted to calm myself down and stop the newfound tears from dropping down my cheeks.

I heard the door open behind me and craned my head to look. I glanced at the shadow in the doorway to see Newt before I snapped my head back around so that I wasn't looking at him.

"Carina?" He asked, his accent as thick as ever.

"Y-yep?" My voice shook as I wiped my eyes.

"Are you okay?" He shuffled around the room to come stand next to me.

"Yeah, I'm great," I answered as I hung my head and closed my eyes.

"Obviously," Newt motion towards me. He then placed his hand on my chin and lifted my head. "Open." I opened my eyes as he commanded and stared at him. "Tell me."

"Nothing's wrong, Newt. I just-" I turned away from his hand on my chin and started pacing around the room, throwing my hands in the air as I yelled. "I've been having these nightmares about Theadore and we're in a shucking maze with giant monsters that come out at night and everyday I run around looking at the same stupid walls that never change! When will it change?" I stared at Newt in sadness. He looked at me, pitifully.

"You've reached your breaking point. Every Glader experiences this. Where they're tired of all of this and have no idea what to do next. I'm surprised you lasted this long. Most of 'em break the first two weeks," Newt frowned at me as he walked over to my sullen body. He pulled me in for a hung and I immediately wrapped my arms around his torso.

"What do they do?" I whimpered.

"They find support and keep going," Newt sighed. I hugged him tighter and he returned the favor. "Don't worry, I wasn't going to let go."

Every Glader has a breaking point. Was the jump Newt's breaking point? Would I have jumped off of one of those walls if Newt wasn't here?


That night, I wasn't able to sleep. As an attempt to not wake up Newt with my restless turning in the bed, I took a walk out into the middle of the Glade. It was dark with nothing but stars in the sky signaling it was the middle of the night. I sat down on the soft grass, pulling my knees up to my chest and stared at the stars. A figure sat down next to me, but I knew immediately who it was.

"Did I wake you?"

"Your absence did," Newt responded. I could hear the smile in his voice. "I've noticed I sleep much better when you're next to me."

"Me too. Just not tonight," I continued to stare up at the sky before I leaned against Newt. He wrapped his arms around my body and we both continued to stare.

Soon, I fell asleep but was truly only half conscious as Newt carried me back up to his room. He laid me down in the bed and threw the covers over my body. He laid down next to me and I could feel his eyes on my face in a moment of silence. I could feel his breath on my face as he leaned closer to me and pressed his lips to mine, very softly, as an attempt not to 'wake me.' It was first just a brush of his lips before I responded to the kiss and kissed him back. After, he pulled away and looked into my open eyes.

"You know I was awake, right? I just wanted you to carry me," I smirked before cupping his face in my hands and pulling him down into another kiss.


Hello everyone! So I'm not very good with the fluff and everything but I tied my best! I much rather write action, but I love a good romantic moment as do all of you lovely readers. After eighteen chapters of reading for Minho and sitting next to each other closely, Carina and Newt have finally kissed and are officially a thing. Comment the ship name below 'cause I'd love to hear you guy's ideas!

Also, I just wanted to throw out there a little shoutout to blushingbieber
They are literally so amazing! If you read the bio of this book, you know that they made this book's cover and it's so amazing I have no words for it so I asked and Blushingbieber is now making my entire series of book covers! That's two more covers for this whole series! So go ahead and check out they're profile cause they're amazing!!!

Thank you everyone for reading!!💕

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2020 ⏰

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