Chapter 2.2

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(Picture Girls Room)
Later That Night

~Gia POV~

I lays across Mia's lap in bed quietly talking about a plan.

"There has to be a way out of here." I says. "He can't keep us here! Someone's got to come looking for us."

"Just how long will it take for them to notice we're gone."

"When the rent isn't paid?"

"Yes that pervert will notice. Specially when he can't watch us walk by." Mia sits up.

"We could butter talk to that guy, the butler, Bruon? I think that's his name."

"Are we could just go out the window in your room. No one ever goes in there."

"Gia your so fucking smart. But they will hear the window breaking. "

"Not if we unscrew it." I smile pulling Mia in for a kiss. Her lips so soft, just make me wanna eat her up. But we don't have time for that.

I stand walking to the bathroom looking at the window. It's not like our home, so we might have to find another way.

"So what are we going to do now?" Mia ask wrapping her arms around me.

"Ask to go for a swim." I fold my arms.

We walk to the door. I look at the lock and smile. Its going to be to simple to crack the code. I take a bobby pin from my hair and get to work. Putting my ear against the door until I hear a click.

"See that was easy." I say slowly opening the door and slip out. Mia follows close behind. We tip toe to the living room. I bolt for the door running for my life. Only stopping once I was outside the heavy french doors.

I stop and take in my surroundings. We can't still be in Washington, there were trees and creepy modern houses.

We walk down the road trying not to look out of places, when a quick wind brezzes pass us.

Master walks between me and Mia yelling. "I trusted you two! Even tried to make your stay here as easy as it could be. But no you two what to leave! Do you know how much I paid for you? To much to think I'd let you get away." This guy has flipped his lid.

I wanted to run away but I knew that would only make things worst. "We weren't trying to leave. Just trying to see the neighborhood." I say quickly.

"Yeah, you never said we couldn't leave the house!" He made us start walking back towards the house.

"Just don't try to run away!"

He stops to look at me. "You think I'm stupid??" He moves to Mia face. "In case you do, if you try to leave again I'm going to kill you. Come! I have something to show you two!"

I make no move to follow him. His voice switch gears and I didn't have a good feeling about following him. "Come now, don't make me have to drag you. You beautiful legs will be all messed up." He holds both of our hands.

We walk down the side of the hill, all the way to the bottom, where a pit sat.

The scene was more out there. Old rotten trees that were surrounded by a thick layer of fog. And the earth under my shoes turned to mesh. Making it hard to keep up to his pace.

"Stop! This will ruin my shoe's an yours." Mia says in a disgusted tone.

"To bad!" Master says pulling us into the cold wet mud that seem to cut at my skin. "Next time you come here all that won't matter." He tosses over his shoulder.

He let go of our hand and step down into the pit. Pulling something up, a large stick? When he stands up my eyes focus on the muddy thing.

"Would you like to join my beautiful Nicky? She such a beautiful bag of bones, isn't she." He asks smiling while kind of pulling back her hair.

"No not really, Just a bag of bones!" I look closer. "Oh my, this is like a grave pit. So were walking on dead people. Gross but kinda cool." I always had a fascination for death. Mia gave me that look, an I just shrug. I like creepy things. She hated anything unnatural.

"Okay we get your point. Can we go we're not all freaks for death." Mia shouts.

"I like freaky little girls..." He holds my chin with his clean hand. "Gia Gia Gia!" He gets out as we makes our way back up the long hill.

He walks us back to our room. "Oh I almost forgot! Don't try and break my windows again!"

Mia jumps at his words. I don't move one bit. "What windows? What are you talking about?"

"Good night, ladies." I watch him until he closes the door.

I storm off to my room trying to figure out another plan. While battling the all but naughty thoughts in my head.

"Gia are you crazy? You act like your under a spell or something." Mia pushes me into the room.

"I did not! I just know how to play mind games. Which you don't! What was that shit you pulled. You need to get a grip and control your reactions. If he was only testing you failed with a -20 points."

"Sorry he scares me."

"Well you better get un-scared!" I grab her face and squeeze it hard. "I'm trying to get to Princeton! You can stay here if you want. But I have places to be."

"I'm trying to leave too!" She frowns and moves to the bed.

"Never mind that. I just want to kiss you." I says lightning the mood.


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