Chapter- 4 Part 1

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(Pic of Gianna)

Lindsey and Kelly sat on sofa talking, and looking for dresses all morning. When Bruno came to tell us lunch was almost done, and that we had guest, Zack and Peter. Supposedly there some of his friends who come visit all the time.

"I can't wait to see Zack!" Kelly kind of moaned.

"Do you have a crush on him or what?" I ask.

"They've had a thing since they first met, he's really sweet like Devin. But he doesn't believe in slavery." Lindsey says.

"Devin doesn't care, that you two flirt?"

"No, and we do more then flirt." Kelly says, "He lets his friends have there way with us sometime. But if you don't want it he will step in, unless his mad and wants to punish you."

"So they can just have the way with us? Like if he's not here?"

"No one usually comes when he's gone, so no. And Devin doesn't like to share so, unless you really have a thing for them he won't let them have us. But no one is to bite you, for any reason. He doesn't like other people scents on us." Lindsey answers painting her nails.

"Well, I guess that's good to know." I say standing up. "I'm going to play a game, later girls."

We had all become good friend in the last day, we had no choice. Mia and I pass Eva heading to the living room, she was the only thing in this house I didn't like. We could all get alone but her thinking she was better than us. Little did she know, she was almost thirty and her body would start to fall apart soon.

"You know I really hate don't chick. I could just feed her to a tiger and smile." I say looking for my favorite game, Papa's Taco Mia!

"That's not nice, you shouldn't say things like that!" Mia used sarcasm, we both laughed. We sat talking about the girls, turning to past the time.

"Girls, come on it's time for lunch." Lindsey say walking past our door. I get off and walk down the hall holding Mia's hand.

We walk to the dining room there was a lot of food on the table. Kelly and Lindsey as one sit down from this morning and me and Mia sat next Eva. I'm mad I have to sit on the same side as this bitch. She make my blood boil just looking at her.

Master walked in with a crisp white shirt and black slack that fit perfectly. A light brown haired man with a build chest, and a pretty baby face, he had green-red eyes, it was weird but coolest thing I've ever seen. He sat by Kelly, they share a moment. I looked away. But the jock looking boy with blonde hair and blue eyes, just look like a jerk. He looked at me sideways then smiled. I smiled back looking away.

Master grabbed his plate and put half a sandwich on his plate, and took his one bite. Mia gave me a plate with a burger and fries, with a salad. I cut a slice of pizza in half and put half on Mia's plate. They cooked to much for four girls, like really? How much do you think we eat?

"Isn't it nice my friends thought to drop by. They well Zack brought you some new games, I forgot to get." Master says.

"Yeah, I got Grand Theft Auto V, The last of us, and Call of Duty: Ghosts. I was getting mind so, no biggie." Zack says with a smile so bright.

"How sweet." Kelly say looking like she was in another world. 'Lord she head over hills for him, I know Devin sees this.' I thought as I bite my burger, out the corner of my hair I swear I saw him nodded his head.

"Master, I found the prettiest dress ever. It goes perfectly with my necklace you gave me." Eva barked turning her head toward us. "I even found the perfect nail set to match."

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