Chapter 12

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"Gia you up?" I hear Devin's soft voice ask.

I turn and moan, he'd kept me up the rest of the night. "Get up." He pulls my arm rising my body. I feel my bones popping from there stiff position. Why couldn't I sleep in. I'm so tried. "Because you ask for what you got."

He pulls me out the bed and intro the bath room. The jacuzzi was full of warm water and bubbles, I smile. "Aww, my baby thought of me. Does this mean your joining?" I ask as he put my hair in a ponytail.

"No, I have to finish making calls. But I'll try my best to work quickly." He leaves the room as I sunk in the tub.

I lay still for a moment and soon fall back asleep.

** Ten minutes later 

"Ahhiii!" A loud scream frightens me awake. I suck in a lung full of water. I sit up coughing trying to catch my breath. What the hell was that? I pull the plug and get out the tub. I slip on my red robe while walk out our room and down the stairs.

"Ahhii... Please leave me alone! Ahhiii.. my... Ahhiiii!"


But she was.... so

Who's that?

I start running, opening the door to a bad scene. Mia was on the ground crying and screaming. A small pool of blood under her. That creepy guy Victor stands over her in a threaten way. And Devin looking on as if uninterested.

It took me a whole minute to move towards Mia. Completely forgetting about my robe. "Mia?" I ask in a low voice surprising everyone. She cried harder and moved away from me. Was there something on my face? I frown, "Baby, what's wrong?" I try to hold her hand but she slides back again.

I turn to Victor, he had to be the cause. "What did you do?" I ask and charged for him. I stop right in front of him as he smile.

"Ohh Gia wouldn't you like to know!" He laughs and looks down smiling.

I grab my robe and take a step back. "You sick fuck. Devin why is he here?"

"Wow, you take orders from a slave now!?"

"Gia, go inside I'll explain everything later." He turns his back on me as if I were dismissed.

I frown but make no move to leave. Who does he think he is? "I want to know what happen right now! And I'm not going anywhere! Don't act days and confuse because this old bat said something!" I'm completely pissed.

"Don't start this! Now go get ready Kelly and Zack should be here any minute thank you." He walks to Mia and looks at her face. Her lip were beyond swollen.

I walk to her rubbing her face but she moves away. Devin pulls me to my feet and hauls me for the door. Looking as he'd had enough. "Stop acting like Eva, and just do as I say. What is wrong?"

"Your what's wrong! You gave her to him! WHY?" I scream. He looks at me like I'm nothing and slaps me. I fall to the ground from the impact. Tears rush to my eyes as I registered that he hit me.

He freezes as he didn't know what he had done.

I look up at him "How could you?" I say standing backing away from him. Noticing Kelly and Zack standing there with open mouths, even they were caught off guard.

"Please go in the house." He says softly I didn't move.

Still stuck in time as he hit me. And I thought he loved me. Kelly and Zack walk to my side. Zack lifts me into his arms carring me inside. I stare at Devin as pain filled his eyes. I'm carried to one of the guest rooms and laid on the bed.

"Are you okay?" Kelly ask as Zack walks out the room.

"He hit me, he actually hit me...? Hell nawl, I'm not oh fucking kay. I could kill him right now."

"Is this the first time?" I look at her like she's crazy.

"No he just beats on me every second of the day!"

"Don't be mean, I have to ask. But your going home with me, okay?" I nod as Zack brings me a long dress I brought the other day at the mall. He puts a bag of ice on my left cheek. Its starting to swell. Zack stands in the hall as I get dress.

※                                                        ※                                                           ※                                                  ※

♕                 ♛        Devin POV       ♚                   ♔

"Fuck fuck fuck!" I say as I watch Zack carry Gia into the house. The hurt and fear in her eyes hurt me. I didn't mean to hit her just frighten her. I turn to Mia then Victor. "You little bitch this is all your fought!"

"Fuck you! If I can't have her then neither can you!" She splits up a little blood.

I walk and pull her to her feet. "You think you've won. It may take a minute, but she will forgive me. Because I didn't use her to get away from my family. I actually took a liking to her." I punch her in her face. "Take her back for me, they can do whatever they want as long as her face isn't brusied and she alive and can walk. Start the bidding at $500. Your going to learn your lesson!"

He smiles and throws her into the limo. "Of course friend." He gets in and they drive away. I turn towards the house as Bruno walk to the blood stain and starts cleaning.

I walk in the house in search of Gia. But of course Zach was blocking the door. "Move I need to talk to her."

"You both need time to process this. So she will just stay with me for a day or two. Let her cool off because she's mad as hell." Zach says without moving.

Kelly opens the door and walks out without even looking at me. Gia quickly follow. "Sweetie, I'm..."

"Don't talk to me you fucking lying bastard. I never want to talk to you again. How can I trust you?"

"Just like you have been. Victor has this hold over me like my father. I'm sorry I just cant go without you!"

"Well you better learn because she's going home with me." Kelly says and holds Gia's waist as they walk from the second floor to the car.

I frown but make no attempt to stop them. I know she need some space I will give her all the time she needs. "I put the cases on your desk." Zack says getting in the car driving away. I wave and walk into the house.

I really fucked up this time!

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Snatched {BDSM}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora