"Yeah."he rolled his eyes.

"Good luck with the sheets man." I say and they all gasp again.

"Oh shit!!" Jin laughed.

"Damn noona!" Tae laughed and slapped jimin's back.

"Who was taking dominance?!" Jin asked.

I looked at Jungkook who was innocently eating the grapes quietly, ignoring all the talking as he was in his own world.

"Him." I say and their eyes widen.

"JUNGKOOK!?" They all shouted and it startled both me and him.

"Shit! You fucking scared me!" I yelled.

"What?" Jungkook asked.


Jungkook scratched his head nervously and let out the cutest smile ever.

"He did." I smiled and pecked his lips.

"Yeah. She actually took over the first round though." He chuckled.

The whole room went quiet.

"FIRST ROUND! OHHH YALL KINKY!" yoongi suddenly shouted.

"How many rounds!?" Jimin asked.

"Can we stop talking about this?" I walked over to make me and Jungkook coffee.


I looked at him as if he was crazy.

"No." I shrugged.

His mouth widen in rage. Fire burns in his eyes as he looked over at me, then Jungkook. We just acted like its a daily thing and he was beyond shocked.

"I thought you were joking when I saw you two last time!" Jin shouted and put his hands on his hips. .

"No. I was for real." I said.

Then I glanced at Jungkook.

"Babe." I called.

"Huh?" He smiled at me.

Everyone focused on us.

"Coffee?" I asked.

"Yes please." He bunny smiled.

I turn my back to make coffee again.

"Yah! How cute can they be?!" Tae whined hugging Jimin.

"I WANT A GIRLFRIEND LIKE NOONA TOO!" Jimin whined while he fake cries.

"Aish. So annoying" yoongi looked at them.

"Oh! The house was crazy last night? How did you manage to clean this place up?" I asked.

"My maids." Namjoon simply said.

"Aye." I slapped his arm.

"OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" He flinched and rubbed his arm.

"Did you even say thank you?! The house was a complete mess!" I say with my hands now on my hips.

"No..." he lowered his gaze.

"GO SAY THANK YOU THEN!" I slapped his back.

"Ow! Okay okay!" He started to walk away while I try to slap him again.

He left and Jin laughed.

"Stupid." He looked as Namjoon rushed off.

I turn back to my coffee like nothing had happen.

"Here." I handed Jungkook's coffee to him while I had mine in hand.

I sat next to him and prompt my leg on his lap.

I turn to look at them....

I was met with puppy eyes and begging, I nearly choked on my coffee as Jimin screams out loud.

"I NEED A GIRLFRIEND! AISH!" He ruffles his hair harshly and went out of the kitchen.

My eyes were left widen and my mouth gape open.

"Something had come over him." Yoongi chuckled.

"I know how he feels though." Tae pout.

I send him a weird look.

He sighed and lean his head on his hands and had his elbows on the table.

"I mean... I would want a girlfriend making me coffee. I would wanna cuddle and I would want to sleep with her." He sighed.

I sighed loudly taking everyone's attention on me. I ruffled my hair and closed my eyes and leaned on the table.

"Someone get Jimin." I say and tae rushed out due to my tone.

Everyone shifted and sat down comfortably.

Soon enough Jimin was dragged in by tae. Jimin had a pout on his face and he sat on the table.

Now that everyone is here. I can start...

"Guys..." I started.

They all looked at me, anticipating in my words.

"My babies..." I smiled gently casting a weak glare at them.

"One day in life, you will find someone you love... the time will come you will just have to wait for it. Love hits you in many places where you can't forget. Fate is carefully choosing whom you should love for the rest of your life. Its not a joke, and there will be all these emotions involved." I said and felt Jungkook hug me from the back.

His arms around my waist as his chin prompt on my shoulder, listening to my words.

"You all are by far the most handsome men out there. You can basically rule the world if you want to. But all I am say is to be patient my princes. Your princess will call for her knight in shining armor one day and it will be you." I end it with a chuckle.

They giggled and smiled.

"Sorry earlier noona." Jimin fiddled with his fingers.

"Its okay, I get it." I smiled.

"Now." I clapped my hand.

"Where's the food?"

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