Meeting Jerry

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       These first two chapers are just a build up to show you what Arabella's life is like. I promise more exciting stuff will start happening soon!!


Wednesday May 14th 1986

         I had been driving for 2 hours now. The radio turned all the way up with The Beatles playing, and all the windows rolled down. I'm wearing a pair of high waisted shorts, a Beatles tank top, a pair of vans, and my aviator sunglasses. My curly, long brown hair is pulled back into a pony tail, that honestly looked horrible, but hey I am driving!

        After another hour of boring driving, I decide that I am in dier need of food and a bathroom. I see a nice drive in place called Mels Drive-In and decide to go there. I pull up and literally run to find a bathroom.

        Once my buisness is done, I come back to my car and order myself a cheeseburger, no onion, french fries, and a root beer, no ice. I know I'm picky! Don't judge me! While I sit and wait for my order I fix my completely messed up hair. 

        My order came five minutes later. That's really good service! My hair is now pulled back into a moderatley better pony tail, and I feel pretty good. I take my time eating my food and decide to relax a little bit. I kick my feet up on the dash and finishing eating my food. Which was delicious by the way, so I made a mental note to come back here sometime. 

        Ten minutes later I still don't want to drive again. So I kick off my shoes and start digging around in my bag. I finally find my bright red nail polish and start making my toes look all pretty. When I'm finally done I decide I should probably start driving again. 


        I had been driving all day now. Fourteen hours to be exact. Only stopping for restroom breaks and food. I am well out of Wyoming now, which makes me happy and sad at the same time. I couldn't help but think about my brothers and sisters. I knew Susan would figure out why I left, shes to damn smart. 

        It's 10:00 pm now and I'm in Lewiston, Idaho. I wanted to be in Washington already. "I'm going to keep going straight on highway 12 for about two more hours and then I'll stop and rest at Ellensberg, Washington." I said to myself as I inspected my map at McDonalds. I got a drink and I was on my way again.


Thursday May 15th 11:00 am 

        I stayed the night at a cheap motel last night, and ughh it sucked!!! It was really small. It had one full bed with a night stand and a TV. The walls were covered in 50s wallpaper and the floor was a really ugly dark green carpet. It was horrible, so I left as soon as I woke up.

        Today was a lot hotter than yesterday. LIke a lot hotter! I had my hair pulled on top of my head in a bun. I was wearing a pair of high waisted shorts, my blue and white halter top, and some sandals. These were the days when I wish the air conditioner worked in the car. "Ughh!"

        Anyways, I have finally arrived in Seattle. I have $500 saved up and I need to find a place to stay, so I start driving around. 


2 hours later

        "Fuck!" I yell as I hit the steering wheel in my car. After driving around for two hours, I have had no luck what-so-ever in finding a place to stay.

        "I deserve a break after all of this driving." I say to myself and park in front of a little resteraunt. I grab my bag and my journal and walk inside where I was greeted with a nice woman, maybe in her 40s. "Hello sweetheart." She said to me with a smile as I sit down at the bar. "What can I get you to drink?"

        "A water is fine. Thank you." I sit down at the bar a few seats away from a guy, who I then realize is the only other person here, besides an old couple sitting at the very back of the cafe.

        The lady comes back and gives me my water and takes my ofder. I end up getting some chicken strips and fries. After the lady walks away I grab my journal and start writing...and I know it's wierd but I start writing about the guy sitting next to me. I get so into it I barely notice the lady coming back and giving me my food. "There you go sweetheart." she said snapping me out of my writing. "Ohh...thank you." I start eating but I don't stop writing about this guy.

        He has long blonde hair, and from what I can see blue eyes. He's wearing tennis shoes, ripped up, acid washed jeans, and a white t-shirt with the arms cut off. He's a really good looking guy.

        While I'm busy writing about this mysterious guy I didn't realize that he had scooted down to the chair next to me.

"What are you writing about?" He said suddenly, causing me to jump and drop my pencil on the floor.

"Shit" I said. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He said trying to suppress a laugh.

"No it's okay. I just didn't realize you were sitting next to me."

He laughed and bent down to get my pencil, brushing my leg in the process.

"Thanks" I said shyly as he handed me my pencil.

"No problem. I'm Jerry by the way."

"Arabella" I said with a slight smile.

"Nice to meet you...Arabella...that's a really pretty, unique name."

"Thanks" I said with a laugh. "Would you believe that I actually get that a lot."

"Yeah" He said laughing, "Actually I would."

"So what are you writing about, if you don't mind me asking?"

I started blushing and took another bite of my food. "'s nothing really." I said shutting my journal quickly. 

"It's private, I get it. It's fine you don't have to show me."

"Thanks" I said letting out a breath that I didn't know I was holding.


We continued talking about a bunch of different things for another 30 minutes of so.

"So Jerry do you know any cheap motels around here, that are not complete shit holes? I really need a place to stay for a while, you know while I look for a job."

"So you are new around here then."

"Yeah acutually I just got to town. I spent 2 hours looking for a cheap enough place for me but I had absolutely no luck."

"Well there's a really cheap motel down the street a ways but I wouldn't recommend that piece of shit to anyone."

I sighed, "Well thats just great." I mummbled as I payed for my food. 

"You know, if you really need a place to stay...I could ask my friend that I'm staying with if we have enough room for one more." 

Usually I wouldn't just go and stay with a complete stranger, that I just met, in a little cafe, in a new town...but I am desperate now. If I don't say yes I'll be sleeping in my car for god knows how long. 

"If you and your friend don't mind....that would actually be great." I said with a smile.

"Come on then." He said as we walked out of the cafe. 


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