I love You

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It's been three years since Jaz moved back to the states. After a few months they moved back to LA. The why don't we house is still there but it's more of a  place where you go if you need to cool off. The band why dont we no longer exist but all of the boys are still friends and are continuing to make their own music.Daniel and Jasmine got their own apartment. They have two new twin boys named Ethan and Evan. April just turned five a couple of weeks ago. As for the rest of the couples, after college Lizzie moved to LA to be a music producer. She is now in a happy relationship with Zach. Corbyn and Christina got married after she graduated from college and they now have a one year old daughter named Rose Marie Besson. Her and the twins are already best friends. As for Alexis and Jack they decided to just be friends and are still close. Jonah met a gitl named tate ;) and have been dating for a couple months. Now, without further ado I give you. THE NEXT CHAPTER.


"Dude just relax your gonna do fine." Jonah says behind me.
"What, but what if I stumble, what if my outfit get destroyed, what-what if she says no."
"Daniel she's not going to say no. For God's sake your the father of all three of her children." Corbyn says.  Rose starts fussing in her highchair.
"Jeez girl your just like your mother can't take food away from you for three seconds." Corbyn says feeding her another spoonful. "God I miss the girls."
"They've been gone for three hours corbs." Zach says.
"Well I still miss them." He picks up rose. "Hey can you guys go out to the living room so I can put her down for her nap?" We all pile out of the room.
"Listen Daniel just calm down she's going to say yes." Jack says. "Trust me she really loves you." I smile knowing that Jack is right. I love her too. There's fussing coming from the twins room. And here comes my daddy duty.
I jog into the boys room to see Evan awake.
"What's wrong baby, Come here. It's ok daddy's here." I pick him up and lays down on me. His crying calms down. I look down to see Ethan still asleep. He looks so peaceful. God I can't believe that I made this.
My thoughts are interrupted by the front door opening. I walk out to the living room to see the girls with April.
"Daddy!!" She runs into my legs almost knocking me down.
"Baby I missed you too but be careful I have you brother." She looks up at Evan.
"Oh, I'm sorry."
"Its ok, why don't you tell daddy what you did at school today?" Jaz says smirking at me. She comes over and kisses my cheek and takes Evan.
"OH DADDY I MET A BOY TODAY!!" She practically screams. All the boys start laughing.
"His name is Matthew. But we call him Matt. We played together at recess and then he shared his cookie with me at lunch. It was chocolate chip. And then we sat together on the bus."
"Oh wow seems like you've had a good day." She nods her head and runs to her room giggling. I slam my face into the throw pillow.
"Ugh I wasn't expecting boys until years from now." The boys only laugh harder.
"What the hell is so funny out here?" Jaz comes into the room. "Im trying to put Evan down for his nap."
I groan. "Boys are gross." I say into the pillow. She laughs.
"Tell me about it. Anywho I have to get ready for our date tonight." I shoot up. "I forgot that we had a date to be honest with you. Wait I need to grab my outfit before you and the girls take up the room." I run into the room and grab my outfit making sure the ring is still in the pocket. I take it out and let out a long breath. I put it back in the pocket and walk out into the living room. "Alright the room is all yours." They scury past me and into the room slamming the door shut. Me and the guys just kind of look at each other.
"Wait a minute I just realized that your marrying my sister and I never saw the ring." Jack whisper yells. I smirk and look around for any girls. I don't see any so I pull out the ring and show them.

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