I thought you left Daniel

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The boys went out and they said that they were planning on being out all day. I decided to stay back and explore LA for a little while. Then I thought. No boys all day. Time for a movie marathon. So I put on a sweatshirt. I don't even know who's sweatshirt it is but I don't care. I literally live in sweatshirts. I grab all of the snacks from the cabinets and Jack's secret stash of Oreos. (Shh don't tell). I throw all of the snacks on the table and flop on the couch. I put on the first harry potter movie. Sorry Jonah but you left for the day. Next thing I know it's 4 hours later and I'm bawling over Cedric diggory's death. Even though I've seen this movie 9,780,404,212 times AND read the book  just as many times I still cry.  I turn off the movie and decided to take a shower. I put my radio on my beat pill thing.(Idfk what there called)and got undressed. Secrets by one republic came on and I start singing at the top of my lungs. I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around myself still humming the song. Suddenly I hear rustling coming from the hallway. I freak out a little and grabbed my high heel(being the closest thing to me) "hello?" I say. No answer. I throw on sweatpants and the sweatshirt I had on earlier and make my way downstairs. "Hello?" I say again. And again no answer. I guess they left. I turn around and run straight into a hard chest. I scream and try to kick them but they're to strong and are holding me down. "Whoa, whoa jaz calm down it's just me." I instantly recognized the voice. "DANIEL. I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO KILL ME!!!"
"I. Erm Sorry?" He giggles clearly not  knowing what to say.
"I thought you went out with the boys anyway"
"Nope" he says popping the p. "Nice sweatshirt by the way." I look down to see that the sweatshirt was his. And id been wearing it all day. Great.
"I'm sorry do you want it back?"
"No, it looks cuter on you." I blush a little and look away. "No baby look at me. It's cute when you blush." I only blush more but look up at him. He pecks my lips and I giggle. "What do you want a longer one?" He asked. I nodded and he leaned in again and kissed my lips for longer this time. We pulled away and stared into each other's eyes. Out moment is interrupted by someone screaming. "WILL YOU TWO JUST DATE ALREADY?" We look over to see all of the boys standing in a crescent shape watching us. Even Eben and Logan were there. "Well in that case, Jasmine Elizabeth Avery. Will you be my girlfriend?"
"Daniel James Seavey, It would be an honor. Of course I'll be your girlfriend." I don't think either of our smiles could get bigger than they were right now. Cheers and claps from the "audience" went off and I looked at them. This was the best lazy day of my life.

Just Another DayTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon