Welcome to LA Bitch

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"You did not."
"Oh but I did" Christina says
"AAAAAAHHHHH, I can't believe you invited Alexis all the way out here." We were currently laying on the bed watching The Conjuring. Christina would get scared and I just laughed at them. "When is she coming?" I asked
"Later tonight. Like really later. Almost midnight."
"OMG we have to tell Jack." I say getting even more excited.
"What why"
"Wouldn't you want to know if corbyn was coming over to your house"
"Wait there dating?"
"No but Jack has had the BIGGEST crush on her since like 6th grade. And she's only gotten cuter." We rush across the hall and open Jack's door. He just got out of the shower and didn't have a towel on. I fall on the floor covering my eyes. "MY EYES, MY EYES, I'VE GONE BLIND." Christina looks and falls on the floor covering  her eyes. "CORBYN I'M SORRY" Jack puts on a towel and shoved us out of the room. "Drama queens" he closes the door and I open my eyes again. "Oh and by the way, Alexis is coming over tonight."  Me and Christina run  back into mine and Daniel's room. "Does that count as cheating on Corbyn?" She asks. " I don't know did you actually see anything."
"No, it was to microscopic I needed a fricking hand lens" We burst out laughing. (I feel weird writing this because I'm actually in Jack lane😂😂) I look over at the alarm clock on the nightstand. 8:47pm. "Ok what are we planning on doing tomorrow. Since all of us are going to be together" Christina asks.
"Hhmm I don't really know. This is going to be the first time we've all been together since I moved to LA. Let's think about it while we get our nails painted."
"Good idea." She says. "CORBYN, JONAH" the two boys come up the stairs. "Yes queens." The say.
"We would like out nails painted." They walk over to the dresser and get the nail polish. Christina got a purple to blue ombre and I got a yellow to pink ombre.
"Wow"boys I didn't know you could
do nails so well" I say.
"Well Christina taught me, and I taught Jonah" Corbyn says.

We that explains it." I look back at the alarm clock. 11:02
"OMG Christina it's time to go pick up Alexis. DRIVER." Jack comes running into the room. "Yes queens" he says.  "We need to go to the airport and pick up your girlfriend"
"She's not my girlfriend"
"Uh-hu whatever helps you sleep at night."

--------------------Time Skip------------------------

I watch as Alexis walks off of the plane and into the bagging area. Me and Christina don't even give her a chance to look for her bags before we tackle her to the ground in one big group hug. People were staring at us but none of us cared very much. We get up and get in another group hug. Jack comes up and tries to join the hug. We all look at each other and push him down. "NO BOYS ALLOWED" We all yell. "God this is third grade all over again." He says. Which gave me an idea. "Girls we should bring back out middle school days and build o fort in the living room tonight." I say. "OMG YES" They say at the same time. Alexis grabs her bags and Jack drives us home. We instantly go upstairs and grab out stuff for the fort.
45 minutes later.
"All done now for the finishing touch" I put up a sign that says no boys allowed. The girls giggle and we crawl in. I turn on the lantern in the middle of our circle. "Guys this night isn't finished until we have played a game of truth or dare." Alexis says. "Jaz, truth or dare?"
"I dare you to go upstairs and peck Jonah on the lips."
"OMG YES DO IT" Christina whisper yells. We run upstairs and into joanh's room. "Hey girls what are you doing up here?" I sit on his bed and look him in the eyes before giving him a quick peck on the lips. The girls freak out and we run back downstairs. "Alexis truth or dare?" I ask
"Dare" Me and Christina look at each other already knowing the dare she is going to get.
"I dare you to go upstairs and kiss Jack."
"C'mon every time we play truth or dare you give me this dare"
"Its only because you and Jack would make the cutest couple."
"Ugh fine." We run upstairs to Jack's room. I put my ear up it the door to make sure he's not sleeping. "Ugh...*moan*..Alexis." My eyes go wide. He's, he-he' s. I put my ear back to the door. "Daddy needs to cum princess" Alexis tries to go in the room to do her dare not hearing anything. I block the door. "You do NOT want to go in there." I say.
"Why not i need to do my dare."
"NO" She pushes past me and opens the door. "OMG JACK IM SO SORRY I SHOULD'VE KNOCKED" Christina walk in the door. "Or you could learn how to lock your door." He quickly pulls up his sweatpants and shoved us out the door. We run back downstairs where the rest of the boys are in our fort. "HEY. Can't y'all read it says no boys allowed."
"Well we took over your fort and we say no GIRLS allowed" Zach says. "Wait a minute I got this just follow my lead." Christina whispers. "CORBYN you better get out of the fort."
"Oh yeah what are you gonna do about it?" He questions clearly not aware of her powers.
"No sex for three weeks." As soon as the word leave her lips Corbyn rushes out of the fort and into her arms causing groans out of the boys. "DANIEL" I say. "You better get out of the fort or no cuddles,hugs,Or kisses for three weeks." It takes him a second but he is soon out of the fort too and in my arms. "I'm sorry baby"
"Jonah might I remind you that you are our minion for the week." I say. "And you must do everything we say" He groans and get out of the fort. "Zach?"
"Yeah yeah I'm getting out of the fort." He says and stands up. We all high five and climb back into the fort. "Jonah can you get me Jack's secret stash of Oreos please?" I ask. "
"Jack has a secret stash of Oreos?"
"YES they are in the very back of the cabinet on the highest shelf" He goes into the kitchen and comes back with Jack's Oreos. "Thanks love" I say. "Now shoo" I check my phone.
"OMG girls it's like 3 in the morning. Let's eat these Oreos and go to sleep." We eat the Oreos and lay down in the fort. "Hey lexis. Welcome to LA bitch" I say before drifting to sleep.

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