Chapter 8

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"WHAT ARE THOSE?!" came the shriek from Red Alert and the others let out a sigh.
"Red Alert, these are our human friends: Jack Darby, Miko Nakadai, and Raf Esquivel" Optimus said to the paranoid bot
"humans? theyre so tiny! they could crawl under our armor and offline us!" Red alert squeaked as he backed away from the humans

Miko ran down to Ironhide "Hi! Im miko! those are huge huge guns! what kind of car form do you have? i bet youre a truck! a large truck like Bulk! why-" Miko was cut off from her continuous talkign by bulkhead
"Miko.." Bulkhead warned "Sorry about that, shes...enthusiastic. Shes my charge."
Ironhide smirked at the girl "well your charge is definitely amusing" he said with a chuckle and he smiled at Chromia and he pulled her close "Well, Miko, im Ironhide and this is my mate, Chromia" Ironhide said to miko "Mia, this is Bulk's charge"
"Nice to meet you Miko. As ironhide said, Im his mate, but im also Arcee's older sister" Chromia said with a giggle
"Woah, i didnt know you had a sister Arcee!"Miko said with a grin.
"Thats because i didnt know if she was still online. Our oldest sister and commander of the femme unit, Elita One, offlined in the war" Arcee said to miko and she grabbed her sister's arm and pulled her further in the base.

Optimus went over to HopeBringer and Brightspark and the two grew up to the hight of Optimus's shoulder. "Do you know where Sparksong is?" HopeBringer asked the prime.
"I do not know a Sparksong, but if you are searching for another of your kind, we had one named Skylar" Optimus said, "she has dragon like limbs" he said
"well i am not certain, i know i sensed two primes on earth and only one is the part of Primus' spark that he sent to space to become a new daughter and we were sent to raise her as she was to be like us" HopeBringer said
"Did she have the mark of primus on her? we dont sense her here" Brightspark said
"In fact, she did have the mark of a prime on her but the mark of primus, i do not know" Prime said "Right now she is missing, i fear Megatron has her once again"

HopeBringer and Brightspark looked at each other. They knew that this wasnt good.
"We must get her back" the two said at the same time

the nemesis:

Skylar laid on the berth, she was alone again. She didnt like it when Megatron came back. He ususally only came to use her or give her some energon. She sat up and was surprised to find a note left next to a cube of energon. She picked up the note and began reading

My femme, I have gone to check on my Energon mines. I shall return soon. The energon has extra vitamins in it for the sparkling. When i return, You have a checkup scheduled with Knockout and Breakdown. Your collar have been left off for a reason. Dont disappoint me. I may not harm sparked femmes, but that doesnt mean you wont be punished.
Sincerely, Megatron.

Skylar sighed as she picked up the energon and began to sip at it. This one was sweet but it had a bitter aftertaste.
[Sparksong Prime, my name is Prima, i am the eldest of your siblings. we have allowed you to have a familial bond with us, even though we reside in the Well of Sparks.] a deep male voice said in her head and skylar grew confused
'Uh, i must be going crazy' Skylar thought and shook her head.
[Youre not going crazy, Sparksong. We are your siblings, our sire, Primus, sent part of his spark to get you to safety. you are a prime like us] A female voice said
[Who are you all then? i mean, your names?] skylar asked them, speaking through the bond.
[we have many names as there are thirteen of us, your sister is SOulus, however we will do the introductions later.] Prima said to her
[Alright, but, why are you talking to me now?] Skylar, or rather, Sparksong, said
[Because you will need us, especially until you can get out of the Nemesis.] Soulus said
[How do i get free?] Sparksong asked
[My name is Alpha Trion, little one, and to get free, you will need to earn Megatron's trust so you may be able to roam the ship. you have to become a temporary decepticon. You need to end this war. it is the only way to gain the forces you need to fight the oncoming threat. Our sire should speak with you tonight, little sister.]
[But megatron...]
[Megatron will listen when the time is right, just start by trying to be his friend] Soulus said softly [we wont lead you astray, little sister. And i shall grant you the ability to use my Forge with unlimited supply of power. any other prime could only use it a few times, but i trust you wont misuse it
[Dont worry Soulus, i will take care of it and use it only to benefit our race and only for good] Skylar said as she finished her energon and she closed her eyes, sitting Indian style, her tail flicking on occasion. She was calming herself.

Skylar let her spark reach out to her siblings and she gave them all thanks and she felt stronger and she didnt feel alone anymore, and that made her feel a little better. At least she had someone she could talk too.

Deep in space:

A bright light began to fade as a mech appeared. the mech had green and grey armor, and he had horns sticking out of his helm from where his temples would be if he was human. His optics were orange, and he had a frown on his face, his metallic cape flowing slightly as he floated in space. then a dark smirk crossed his face
"Im coming for you...littlest sister. my brothers and sister wont protect you, lost spark of primus. youll never forget the name Liege Maximo.." he snarled and began cackling like a madman.

i only own my oc's

Please review!



"bumblebee's beeping"

"cybertronian while dreaming or in another relm of sorts"

[The thirteen talking through the familial bond to Skylar when in separate worlds/relms]

[Familial Bonds]

{Sparkmate bonds}

Transformers Prime: The Lost SparkTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang