Chapter 3

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Skylar woke in a strange room. She knew it wasn't the Nemesis as the walls weren't purple, they were actually a gunmetal grey. She knew she was at the Autobot base.
Skylar slowly sat up and she tied the sheet around her to make a dress and she ran her fingers through her hair and she slowly left the room and walked to the main room.
Skylar smiled as she seen Optimus, in his holoform, tending to Oreo. She let out a soft sigh as she couldn't do it herself due to her new height and she shook her head as she wrapped her arms around herself, still feeling Megatron's touch on her.

"Skylar, you look so cool!" Miko said, making skylar look at her though with out any emotion and she was silent.
Its not like Skylar blamed Miko, she just didn't have anything to say to the girl.
"Miko, leave her alone" Raf said, looking up from his laptop
"What happened at you at the con's?" Miko asked, Ignoring Raf
"Nothing" Skylar whispered, looking away from the teenage girl
"something had to happen! What happened at the cons" Miko pressed,
"Miko! Don't push her!" Jack exclaimed
"But, Jack, she got to see some cool things and maybe have gotten some information from the cons" Miko said, shooting a slight glare at jack
"the only information I got is that Energon doesn't poison me" Skylar said
"what? Did they make you drink it?" Miko asked
"Miko, enough" Arcee snapped as she came over to Skylar and Arcee rubbed Skylar's back.
"Im just curious Arcee!" Miko protested
"fine! You really want to know what happened Miko?! I was raped by megatron every day for who knows how long I was there!" Skylar exclaimed, losing her temper at Miko for pushing it so much and Arcee had to pretty much drag Skylar out of the room.
Miko watched in shock as Skylar was dragged from the room. Miko didn't know what to say after having learned what happened.

"Honey, you need to relax, youre safe now and no one is going to hurt you here, and you don't have to lose your temper to Miko like that" Arcee said to the upset Skylar.
"She wouldn't stop pushing, and I just lost my temper, Arcee. I'm... I was broken Arcee" Skylar said softly, and she hugged the femme.
Arcee hugged back and rubbed the girl's back, knowing the trauma Skylar had gone though.


Megatron was angry when he had found out that his little pet had disappeared. He was sitting on his throne "how hard is it to fragging find a large human femme?" he demanded his men in his native tongue. Sometimes he wondered why his men were so incompetent.
He had enjoyed his human toy, enjoyed her and her defiant personality so much that he had Knockout and Breakdown searching for a way to make her Cybertronian, so he could make her his Queen.
'she will be my queen soon enough. She can't hide forever. I'll get her back from the Autobots as soon as I can and I'll never let her go again...not until I make her my sparkmate. She can't leave me then' he thought darkly, a smirk on his face.
Megatron smirked as he couldn't wait to take her to berth again. To break that fearless, defiant, girl again and again. She challenged him and he couldn't help but like it.

Autobot Outpost Omega One:

'"you love this don't you femme? Say it!"' skylar shuddered as she locked herself in her room, unable to stop remembering what he did to her. How he made her feel.
"youll never leave femme. Tell me you love this. Tell me you love me" skylar cried softly into her knees. Hating everything that happened to her, how she cant stop the voice. "n-no" she whispered brokenly as she was curled up on the floor. She soon cried herself to sleep

Skylar cried as Megatron was ontop of her again "Tell me you love it, say it femme!" he snarled in her ear
"I love it!" she forced out, a cry escaping her as her pain turned to pleasure as he took her. She hated how her body shuddered and her stomach tightened and tightened until she felt it loosen and she writhed beneath him, crying as she felt warm flooding her.
He pulled out and off her and he laid next to her and he pulled her close "tell me you love me" he whispered
"i...I love you" She whispered
"who do you belong too?" he purred in her ear again
" lord" she clenched her eyes shut as tears leaked down her cheeks
"you are waisting your tears femme" megatron said as his arms wrapped around her and he pulled her close to him and he made a noise that sounded almost like a cat's purr
"its too bad such a soul was wasted in such a weak body" he commented
"then why don't you get rid of me?" she retorted
"why would I do that? You will never be free, not even in death. You will always be with me. And one day as my queen...once we remedy your disgusting fleshy state" he chuckled

Autobot base, outside of dream:

Arcee went over to Optimus "Skylar had locked herself in her room after our talk" she said to him
Optimus sighed and nodded. He knew it was going to be hard for her for a while at the least.
"Optimus, she told me he carved his name in her back" Arcee said and optimus had a look of horror on his face. He couldn't believe that megatron had claimed her like that
"I fear he will not stop to get her back then" Optimus said gravely. He also felt a possessive jealousy fill him, which confused him as he left the main room and went to his office. He was unsure why he felt jealous
'is it possible that ratchet is right about me caring about her like I once did Elita?' he asked himself as he sat at his desk 'no...probably not. I mean, weve only known each other a few months'

Skylar jolted awake with a gasp and she sighed and got off the floor and she decided to walk out of her room and she went to Optimus' room and knocked on the door
Optimus got up and opened the door for her "come in, Skylar" he said gently and shut the door when she entered "what can I do for you?", looking at the girl, waiting for her to speak
Skylar took a deep breath "I..."

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