Chapter 4

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Skylar took a deep breath "I...I need to learn to fight" She said softly "I need you or Arcee to teach me to fight"
Optimus had to admit he was quite surprised at what Skylar said and he had her sit down. "Are you positive you want that?" he asked "and understand you are not going on the field"
"I understand but what if there is a next time and with the size I am now, I can at least better protect myself from him if I knew how to defend myself" She said softly
"Optimus...i...I cant explain what I went through, I just cant. I just know I cant go back" Skylar said, fidgeting with the hem of her makeshift dress.
"I don't like the idea of you involved in violence, but I will teach you. And so will Arcee." Optimus said
"Thank you Optimus" Skylar said and she hugged Optimus, smiling softly when he hugged back.

The Nemesis:

Megatron walked to the medbay, where Knockout and Breakdown were both working. "How is it coming along?" he demanded
"I found something interesting about your pet after I had put the results through the computer again" Knockout said, not even looking up "she has a spark"
That intrigued Megatron "A spark? How is that possible?"
"We are not quite sure. That is why we are running the DNA samples from your pet through some tests. It would be easier if we had her, but we are doing our best" Breakdown answered this time
"When I get her back, then I shall bring her here for you two to run your tests on her to fix her back to what she should be" Megatron said as he then left the medbay. He couldn't seem to get skylar off his mind. He wasn't sure if it was obsession or that she was just good in the berth

Autobot Outpost: Omega One

After Skylar left, Optimus was left to this thoughts, though he decided he may have just been over thinking his feelings for Skylar and decided to not worry about it now and just focus on seeing how things go, and focus on training her and keeping her safe along with returning her to her proper size

Skylar walked to the medbay where Ratchet was doing something.
"Good, youre here, arms out and hold still, I need to make mesurements to make your Mesh Thermal armor" Ratchet said as he turned to her and had a measuring tape
Skylar nodded and lifted her arms, putting herself in a 'T' ish position as he then began making measurements
"What's Mesh Thermal armor?" she asked and ratchet gave her a strange look
"Obviously, like what you humans always have on" He said
"those are Clothes" She said as she stayed still
"and many of them are close to the same material that our Mesh Thermal armor is made of" Ratchet said with a slight smirk as he finished his measurements and he then ran some scans on her and he hummed at the results
"I need to get a blood sample" Ratchet said as skylar sat down

Ratchet took the sample and sent skylar on her way, saying that he would get her when the results are in. Skylar watched the others and she let out a soft sigh and shook her head as she was getting a headache.

"Whats wrong pet? did you miss your master?" Skylar shuddered as she heard his voice in her head again. She bit her lip and she went to arcee, finding the blue femme sparring with bee and bulkhead
"The Autobots wont protect you, not after they know you enjoyed my berth" Skylar tried to hide the wince from the purr in her mind, she knew he wasn't really in her head, but at the same time he was, it was from the trauma and her brain seemed to want to taunt her with the things he said to her during the months she was with him.

Skylar was broken from her thoughts as bee went flying in her direction and she dodged the yellow Mech. Her heart was beating from the adrenaline that was pumping through her from nearly being hit by the bot.
"Skylar, are you alright?" Bee beeped and Skylar nodded
"Yeah. No harm, no foul" she said with a small smile as she got off the ground and she smiled a bit.

"Skylar, are you alright?" Arcee said as she grabbed Skylar's arms
"Im fine 'Cee, don't worry" Skylar said to the femme "I should have been paying attention, I just got lost in my mind" She said with a shrug and she moved away from Arcee.
"so, who is kicking who's ass?" Skylar asked with a forced grin. She was good at making her forced smiles and grins looked genuine.
"Well right now, its me kicking the two's aft" Arcee said with a grin as she looked at Bulk and Bee
"Nice" Skylar said with another forced grin. "um.. Arcee, would you mind if we went somewhere to talk. I just need another girl to talk to" Skylar said softly and Arcee nodded and the two went to the top of the base and they sat at the edge, watching the sunset.

"so, what's up Skylar?" Arcee asked with worry as she looked at the blonde
"Arcee...I keep hearing his voice. all i feel is his touch" Skylar said softly "a-and... he... it began to feel good after a while...i feel so dirty" Skylar said softly, looking down
Arcee hugged the younger girl "Sweetspark, its okay, the body can betray you, its natural, it happens. Its not your fault. He is sick and twisted, not once is it your fault. and do not blame yourself" She said firmly "it will take a while but you will get better, trust me, and you will not be alone, we are all here for you".

Skylar smiled and they stayed ontop of the base for a few hours and they went inside and Skylar was called to the medbay "What's up Ratchet?" Skylar asked with a smile as she sat on the berth.
"I have some bad news" Ratchet said grimly, looking at a paper
"What is it ratchet?" Skylar asked, feeling even more worried, she didnt know what was so bad 'i hope its not some kind of energon-poisoning' she thought and then paled when she heard Ratchet speak

"...Youre pregnant"

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