A Nerd and a Daredevil Walk into a Summer Camp

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(Authors note // I tried to base my chapter title off the walk into a bar jokes)

Liza's POV:
Bags were packed and in the trunk for camp. Not just any summer camp. My parents were sending me away to some prison camp in South Park. The last thing I need is to be submerged into an unfriendly atmosphere with judgy peers and cliques.

I adjusted my glasses and tucked a piece of red hair behind my ear. The girl sitting next to me was the complete opposite. She doesn't seem to care about anything. Eva Reynolds. My parents are friends with her parents but they hate her. Ironic, right?

They claim that the Reynolds aren't strict enough, but I live in a dictatorship. They let Eva wear crop tops and whatever else she wants.

Eva's like the typical careless cool daredevil girl. I wasn't really friends with her, but she kept trying to start conversations.

"So Liza you excited for South Park?"

Oh yea and I forgot to mention we're going to the same camp. Great. She's not mean or anything but her careless personality scares me.

I awkwardly reached into my backpack and stared reading the first thing I pulled out.

Great. The theory behind algebra. Fun. Every 4th grade girls dream is to read a book full of algebra.

Then again I'd rather be reading ax^2+bx+c equation crap.

"Cmon Marsetti lighten up schools over!" She exclaimed. Ugh god help me.

Eva's POV:
I dont even know her that well and boring vibes are surrounding her in every way. Liza really needs to learn how to have fun! That's my goal this summer at camp.

Get Liza to open up and have fun.

Her parents weren't too fond of me so I tried to keep a filter when I spoke.

We finally arrived after a long awkward 2 hour drive.

"Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Marsetti!" I told them and smiled. Yet they still looked down upon me. Well soRRY for being free spirited and not uptight.

"You must be the late arrivals" said a girl in a green shirt who then introduced herself as counselor Candice.

"Hey I'm Eva and this is Liza" I said, pointing to the quiet little redhead who gave me a ride here. Liza didn't say anything but just waved.

"You a little shy?" Candice asked Liza. "Don't worry you'll feel right at home as soon as we assign bunks" said Candice, trying to reassure Liza.

She then led us to sit with the other campers, but a group of 4 boys caught my eye. They seemed friendly enough, to my standards atleast, as they were cracking jokes.

"AYYY WHOS THE HOE AND THE GINGER?!" Asked a fat kid wearing a blue and yellow hat. Even though it was summer I guess these people loved their hats.

"Excuse me fatass maybe try moving one of your fat flaps to hear me, but I'm Eva and this is Liza." I said, introducing my timid friend. Liza weakly smiled and waved.

"Ooh feisty" said a kid in the orange parka and wiggled his eyebrows. I ignored him for now.

"HAHAHA GINGERS HAVE NO SOULS!" Laughed the fat kid again.

I saw the kid in the orange parka eyeballing me from head to toe but I tried to ignore it. I was used to it. If you dress the way I do then don't be surprised if people stare. I dont do it out of attention I just have my way of expressing my freedom.

"Shut up fatass!" Said the kid in the orange hat. "That's Cartman. He's always like that. Don't worry we're nothing like him. I'm Kyle nice to meet you guys!"

"OI! IM NOT FAT IM BIG BONED" Yelled Cartman.

I decided to make a bold move.

"Can we sit with you guys?" I asked.

"Sure why not" said the kid in the blue hat. He suck his hand out to me. "Stan" I shook his hand and Liza followed. Liza sat next to Stan and as I was about to sit down, the orange parka kid shoved Cartman over and said,

"This spots for you" and winked at me.

"OI! KIINEEY WHAT THE FUCK?!" Yelled Cartman.

"So you're 'kiineey'?" I asked him jokingly.

"That's just the way fatass says it. I'm Kenny" he said and out his arm around me. Talk about a flirt!

Liza pulled out her algebra book and started reading to avoid conversation.

"Is she always like this?" Asked Kyle.

"Yea kindof. My goal is to make her come out of her shell during camp." I responded.

"We can try to help" said Kyle.

"So where are you from?" Asked Kenny.

"Oh Liza and I are family friends and we're from New York"

"Big city" said Kenny. "Lots of hot girls"

"Kenny!" Said Kyle and slapped him. I chuckled.

"You're gonna have to do a lot better than that parka boy" I said and gave him a playful push.

A group of girls appeared to be watching us the entire time. A dark haired pink hat girl walks up to our group and introduces herself as Wendy. She immediately sits on Stans lap probably to scare of any girl who dares steal her man. Then again I'm probably just being a judgy bitch.

"This is Bebe" said Wendy pointing at a girl with blonde hair. "This is Red" she then said pointing at a girl with red hair. How ironic.

"Nice to meet you guys" I said.

Another girl with brown hair came to join us as well. "I'm Lola" she said.

"Cool" I responded. "Listen queen Bee I see the way you look at Stan and you should know there's no competition. He's not my type" I told Wendy and I started to see her relax a bit.

"Why does Kenny have his arm around you? Already dating?" Asked Wendy.

"Actually no I just sat down and he did that" I said and we all laughed, even Liza.

"Girl relax put the textbook away" said Bebe and shoved Liza's algebra back in her bag.

"Time for bunk assignments!" Said another counselor.

South Park Summer Camp AdventuresWhere stories live. Discover now