Chapter 12

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~Kylie's P.O.V~

I didn't want to see Carter anyway, and then he tries to kiss me.

I wasn't going to forgive him that easily, and I bet Matt wasn't either.

So I just ran.

Running, for what seemed like forever, not knowing where I was going.

Finding my room, I ran inside and slammed the door before jumping onto my bed.

I cried and cried, struggling to breathe.

I heard someone slowly open my door.

"W-w-what d-do you w-want?" I stuttered through my crying, assuming that it was just Carter and Arya had told him the room number.

She seemed so desperate to get us back together, but the truth is, I'm not ready.

"Kylez, it's Ars," I heard her say, her voice strained.

I turned around to see her with tears in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry Kylez, I didn't want this to happen, I guess I just didn't think, and-"

"Ars it's fine, seriously, it's just, could you get Matt to come round? And tell him the room number and stuff?" I asked her.

I saw a confused look spread across her face which turned into a smile.

She nodded and said, "Yah sure, I'll just go get him."

~Matt's P.O.V~

I was on twitter, scrolling through my tl.

Kylie called Arya earlier and she seemed a bit worried and rushed.

"Arya?" I shouted from the kitchen.

I was woken up so I grabbed a tub of Ben and Jerry's phish food from the freezer and a pot of Nutella.

I'm a very emotional guy, especially when it comes to food and sleep.

Typical white girl I know I know, all I was missing now was my Starbucks.

I heard Arya say something about me shouting her, so she ended the call.

"Yeah?" she said, walking up to me and grabbing a massive spoon, and shoving a massive amount of ice cream drizzled with Nutella into her mouth.

"Erm, what's Kylie talking about?" I asked, wanting to know how she was doing with the whole Carter situation.

"Oh, she's had to get a new room to not see Carter that much and she wants me to go round and talk, that's all. and yeah, I know the time is stupid but it's Kylie and she's having a hard time, and-"

I cut her off my pressing my lips onto hers.

I pulled away after a few seconds,

"It's fine, seriously, now go talk about what your favourite Starbucks drink is and try to get your periods to synchronise, and-"

This time she cut me off by quickly pecking my lips and walking off.

"See you later." She smiled, turning around and walking out he door.

"Bye." I smiled back.


Ars got a text from Kylie about half an hour ago, and she's still not back.

It's freaking 4 am!

Just then, I saw Arya burst through the door, crying.

"Oh my god Ary baby, what's up? Are you okay babe?" I rushed out, pulling her into a tight hug.

He Cheated (Matthew Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now