Chapter 7

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(Part 7)

Arya's Pov:

I was awoken by my phone going off in the middle of the night.

I lifted my head up of Matt's bare chest to look at my phone screen.

Text message from: Kyliieee<3

K: Arya please call me as soon as you get this, I need to talk to someone quickly, help me please 😭

I immediately shook Matt to wake him up. Kylie is one of my best friends (along with Dakota and Sienna) so I was close to tears and really worried about her; I had no idea what was going on! She is also close with Matt, and also with her being the girlfriend of his best friend and she was upset, I could tell that he would know what was going on.

Matt's pov:

"Matt! Matt! Wake up I need to ask you something quick!" Arya woke me up, shaking me so much I actually almost fell of the couch.

I looked at my phone; 03:27 am.
"Arya it's half three in the morning can't this wait till later? Whatever it is it can't be more important than sleep." I groaned.

I know that doesn't sound much like I care about her and what she wants to talk about, but nothing comes between me and my beauty sleep.

"Matt! Please I need to ask you somethinggg," she groaned, one hand still on my right shoulder shaking me, probably so I didn't fall asleep again.
She knows I have a really bad habit for that.

"What." I groaned, unimpressed at what time she woke me up at.

"Why is Kylie upset? She's begging to talk to me and she seems really worried... I was just wondering if you would know what's happened or if Carter has messed up or something?" She rushed, sounding worried.

Okay Matt, maybe it's time to pretend you care, no matter how stupid the time is.

"Okay, so..." I began, sitting up so I was facing Arya, intertwining our fingers.

"It's quite a long story," I continued.

"Earlier tonight, when we went out to the bar with everyone, Carter went, me, Nash, Cam, Taylor, Aaron, Dakota, and a few others, but I can't remember who exactly because-"

"You were drunk." She giggled.

"Yes, but anyway..."

"Make it interesting I'm counting on this" she said with a serious face before giggling again.

She's so cute I can't handle it.

I laughed a bit before continuing with my story.

"So Carter went but Kylie didn't, and also Dakota went... And then... Yeah... Carter and Dakota left together and probably slept together aswell... But don't blame the guy, he was so drunk and so was Dakota, but he's my best friend and she's my sister so please don't get mad at any of them. I had to tell Kylie, I'm sorry, but you know that she is a sister to me and I just want to protect her and not let her be cheated on..." I whispered as a tear fell down my cheek.

I tried to pretend like I wasn't mad at Carter, I knew it was his freaking fault and I will never forgive him for cheating on Kylie, but I didn't want to cause a fuss with Arya at 3:30 in the morning. So since Kylie started dating Carter she's been like a sister to me. I seriously can't explain how mad I am at that guy, he slept with Dakota, my biological sister.

"Matt it's okay, they'll all work things out, you don't need to worry," Arya smiled softly, lightly massaging my right shoulder. "I know it's hard because you are so sweet and caring about people that mean a lot to you, and I love that about you, but if it's meant to be, it'll be, and sometimes you just need to let it sort itself out." She smiled, looking me in the eyes. Her soft, comforting voice was so perfect, I can't explain it. I couldn't help but let a few more tears run down my cheeks, it was uncontrollable.

"Hey, go call Kylie, she's probably worried sick, and I wouldn't blame her." I spoke, hoping Arya could help Kylie.

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