Chapter Three - John

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I awoke to a faint beeping sound when I finally came through.

I cracked open my eyes, only able to see the outlines of objects.

I was in a bed, but not mine.

A cold hand touched my forehead, and a jolt of energy surged through my veins like I had just chugged twelve Red Bulls.

The figure lifted its hand from me and the energy drained away as quickly as it came.

Then, muffled footsteps, and the creak of a door told me that the person had left.

I opened my eyes completely, my vision returning to normal, and pulled my self up in the bed I had been placed in.

Where ever I was, it didn't look like a hospital.

I cocked my head to the side of the bed and found the source of the beeping.

It was a machine, unlike any I had ever seen before.

I reached out and touched the faded screen. It was coated with a thin layer of powder snow. That's why it looked faded I figured.

Weird.  I thought.  It's like 69 degrees in here.

I shifted my vision down to the base of the table and a red cord sticking out from the bottom of the machine caught my eye.

I followed the thin tube with my eye all throughout the circular room's floor.

It led to different spots around the room, and trailed out under the door, then circled back into the room.

The tube finally ended at the foot of my bed, and disappeared under the covers.

I lifted the blanket up gingerly, and saw the tube, punctured into my skin, a patch over it.

The patch had a weird symbol on.

It looked like four trees going North, South, East, and West, and each tree had different kinds of flowers on it.  Kind of like the different seasons.

But it wasn't the symbol I was worried about.

It was the needle.

I fainted again.

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