"You know I'll get killed along with my brother if I go down there." Even to me I sounded like a child who was complaining about their pending doom.

It was tempting but I knew what my dad could do when he was pissed and I was not fully willing to lose my babies again. Do you know the pain I had to go through when I couldn't work on my cars for a month. It almost drove me mad. That's not even a lie.

My older brother Alex was worried about me when he came to visit. I was rolled up in my bed looking like death. Normally he was the one to ignore my over exaggerated moments as well.

"But it looks like so much fun." She whined back dramatically lying down on the ground holding my leg like a child as she looked through the railing of my balcony. I almost tripped when I tried to walk away as she just gripped onto my legs even tighter stopping me from going anywhere.

"I didn't know you were so scared of your dad."

Turning in time I seen Jake strip down to his boxers making me raise my eyebrow at him in response. My best friend was built with lean muscle. He was on the football team after all and even I had to admit my best friend was good looking with his messy dark chocolate hair and six pack.

If it wasn't for the fact he was gay I would have definitely gone for him. I've told him this as well. Maybe that's why he was gay, I was one scary girl when I wanted to be.

"What are you doing?" Asked Sky as she sat up on the ground and crossed her legs like a five year old watching their older sibling before they got in trouble. I'm pretty sure I gave my older brothers that look when I was younger and was watching them do stupid shit that I wanted to be a part of.

"We both know you want to go down there Lyra and I like to make an entrance so if you don't mind."

Watching my best friend as he walked over to the railing of the balcony he didn't even stop think with a second thought as he jumped over it. A gasp was heard from Sky as she watched him dive into the pool that was just below.

There was a moment of deathly silence before everyone erupted into cheers. Rolling my eyes I looked away from the pool. Leave it to Jake to look for attention just as much as my brother. Being a part of the football team he was already a hit with everyone.

Looking back over the railing Jake came above the surface calling us down waving his arms about like a madman. Everyone's attention seemed to snapped to me and Sky as people seemed to notice for the first time that I was in the house. They started to chant my name over and over and I even seen Damon join in with them.

There was smug look on his face as chanted with the others though. He knew he had won and that he wasn't going to go down for this party alone.

As I looked around the crowed though it just made it more clear which ones were from the North side as they stood and looked up at me with a blank expression on their faces. I didn't know what their game was but I knew I wouldn't like it.

Everything they did was something I didn't like.

"Can we go down now?" Begged Sky even more determined now. "We can't leave him down there without us."

Jake would be perfectly fine without us down there with him. My brothers wouldn't let anything happen to him anyway even Damon in his drunken state. Jake was family and Anderson's always protected family. What I didn't like the thought of was him being down there with the North side being about.

As much as I didn't actually mind Riker and his annoying habit of torturing me at every turn, I didn't trust the rest of them. Even the most well trailed soldiers disobeyed orders when their commanders back was turned.

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