Bite Me!

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At Heath and Korey's House.

Korey was on the phone with business for his pack. Heath walked out of the bedroom, and rubbed Korey's shoulder. Korey lightly shrugged Heath's hand off, but it was enough for Heath to tell that something was off.

"OK, thank you. Bye." Korey hung up his phone.

"What's wrong, baby?" Heath sat down in front of Korey.

"Oh the usual, I don't have a pack to call my own, My business is failing, and my fiance茅 lets other men hold him." Korey slammed his phone one the table and walked to the living room.

"What do you mean I let other men hold me." Heath was highly offended.

"When you guys vanquished those two guys in the attic... why did you let Thomas hold you like that." Korey slowly became angrier.

"Stop it, I don't like you like this." Heath looked Korey into the eyes.

"And I didn't like you like that, with him on you." Korey sighed. "I have to go to work."

"Wait, I need your...." Heath was saying but Korey was already out the door. Heath looked downcast .

At The Manor...

Zevin's Room

Zevin and Ryan were watching a movie about Vampires.

"That's so cliche." Ryan snarled.

"How do you know." Zevin asked.

"I'm part vampire." Ryan smiled. "I would love for you to meet coven."

"Why the hell not." Zevin smiled.

"Great, I'll arrange the meeting tomorrow." Ryan kissed Zevin.

In the Kitchen...

Pete was on the phone with his doctor.

"Mr. Striker, you are pregnant." The doctor stated.

"Wh... I can't be." Pete sighed.

"Mr. Striker, is there any thing I can do for you?" He asked.

"No, thank you." Pete hung up the phone.

"What's up, cous." Zevin called.

"I'm pregnant... and it's not for Allen." Pete was staring out into space.


Heath was backstage at The Real's TV set.

"What's wrong?" Ronnie asked.

"I'm in love with three guys all at once, and I don't know who I love more." Heath confessed. "and Korey saw Thomas hugging me from behind."

"Like sex?" Ronnie head snapped up.

"No, Ronnie, like a hug." Heath stated sarcastically. "why would anyone call sex a hug... never mind don't answer that, I forgot you are sexing the devil's son."

"Yeah, but anyways, so what what happened?" Robbie's asked.

"He kind of blew up at me, and stormed out." Heath grabbed an apple, from the snack table, to keep his hands busy.

"Well, there has to be something else upsetting him, because he wouldn't just blow up at you for this." Ronnie added.

"His pack turned on him, and his business is failing." Heath sighed.

"Well, he's just angry over that. Neal told me that when wolves turn on there alpha it's like someone has killed their mom." Ronnie stated. "so are you gonna tell Kion or Thomas that he blew up at you?"

Charmed: Demi-Gods 4 (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now