Cousins: "Eye For An Eye!"

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At The Manor

In The Attic

Heath was making different spells and potions for Vincent... well now the Source. Heath was tired, his hair was a mess and overall he wanted to get this over with, go on tour and forget about this Charmed crap.

"Heath, you've been working yourself day and night. Now you need some rest." Pete stated. As he and Allen walked in with house coats on.

"No, everything in my being is telling me we need to do this. My powers, my heart, and most importantly my mate bond." Heath sighed. "I had a vision the other day. Vincent was torching this witch, he had this sinister smile on... and my empathy power worked in the vision, so as he tortured her he was thinking about me."

"Well Heath, you guys will cross that bridge when you get to it." Allen smiled. "But if you don't rest when you do get to the battle. Then what?"

"I will be no good..." Heath's voice cracked.

"Exactly, so your primary goal right now is to heal. Teach your cousins of what you got going on here and then vanquish the Source." Allen rubbed Heath's shoulder.

"Okay, I will go to sleep promise." Heath smiled then hugged them. "Goodnight."

As Allen and Heath walked away, Heath got tingles in his head then gasped, Heath was in vision mode

Patch was fighting with Vincent. Bruce and Kion were fighting bodyguards, while Allen was trying to get Joey away from Pete's unconscious body. Patch went for another blow but Vincent hit him with a huge fireball causing Patch to blow up.

Heath gasped again as he came out of the vision.

"He killed Patch!" Heath yelled to Allen and Pete who ran back into the room.

Opening Credits

At the club, Jeremy was being stared at by some guy. Mark instantly noticed this and grabbed Jeremy and took him inside the restroom and locked the door.

"What now, babe?" Jeremy asked. Mark growled.

"You're mine and I'll prove it." Mark said lowly.

He used his super speed to rip off their clothing. He picked Jeremy up as he walked over to a toilet. Mark lined his penis up with Jeremy entrance.

Jeremy moan out loudly as Mark went deeper. Jeremy rode Mark until they heard knocking.

"Guys... you have a room you know." It was Zak.

Mark then jerked up and released inside of Jeremy. Jeremy then released. When they were done, Jeremy orbed them out. When they got home they lay in the bed and cuddled. Until they heard a demon downstairs, followed by many clashing.

Jeremy raced downstairs to see Heath beating the crap out of some demon.

"Um Heath?" Jeremy called but Heath was blinded with rage.

"Give me that knife!" Heath demanded. Mark nonchalantly passed Heath the knife. Jeremy scowled Mark for that.

"So Vincent sent you..." Heath let out a ballistic laughter, then immediately chopped of one of the demon's fingers. "Ahahahah.... Vincent thought I was going to be some little bitch witch. BUT I'M NOT."

Jeremy looked at Mark, with a look that said 'this bitch is crazy!' Mark just shrugged and kept watching with a little amusement.

"You aren't answering me. Just because you lost a finger doesn't mean you lost your tongue.... yet." Heath growled with amusement and entertainment.

Charmed: Demi-Gods 4 (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now