Movie of My Life

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The pack was hanging out at their new home, which is Heath's house. It was movie night, so Zevin, Pete, Allen, and Thomas had all tagged along.

"So, what movies did you guys rent?" Cyron asked Lenny and Kyle. Leo had finally calmed down and came back to his pack with apologies, and Korey called off the mate switching punishment.

"Boyhood, Lucy, The Madea cartoon thingy, and like 10 others." Knox said with his usually snarky sarcastic voice.

"Ooh, can we watch Lucy!" Chase begged.

"Sure!" Jimmy went to put the disk in.

"Why are you two always shirtless." Thomas asked.

"Our mate asked us to be." both of the twins spoke and pointed towards Knox.

Thomas high fives Knox with a big smile. "That's respectable."

Heath, Allen, and Pete all rolled their eyes towards Thomas. Zevin was kind of silent, but enjoying his conversation with Monnie.

The wolves all snapped their heads towards a noise from outside, that the others didn't hear.

"I'll be right back." Lenny sat Chase down in the recliner. Korey didn't want Heath to panic, so he nodded for Lenny to got out silently. Chase lowly growled and sat back as they all started the movie.

2 Hours Later...

They had just finished Lucy, and were stretching.

"Yawn!" Pete fake yawned.

"Bathroom breaks?" Heath asked.

"No, we are going to do it after this movie." Korey jumped back on the couch after putting in Boyhood. Chase got up and walked to his room, because Lenny wasn't back yet. As he did that Korey and Heath both snapped their heads up, because of them being the Alpha and Queen, they knew something was upsetting Chase.

Korey and Heath quickly looked at each other and shot looks that said 'It's your turn to check on him."

"I did it last time." Heath said, no one heard, because the two were enclosed up with each other on the couch.

"Yeah, but I'm not going to make the situation better." Korey smiled.

"Fine." Heath pushed Korey away with a kiss, and went to check on Chase.

Chase's and Lenny's Room...

Heath opened the door.

"Chase?" Heath called out. Chase was on the bed and didn't bother to hide his tears.

"He forgot what today was." Chase said in a whisper, that Heath barely registered.

"And what's that, baby." Heath sat in the middle of the bed by Chase, and hugged him tightly.

"The anniversary of my parents' death." Chase was holding a picture of him and his parents, and he had on a birthday hat.

"And your birthday...." Heath analyzed looking at the picture. Chase just nodded his head. "OK, well just go to sleep and I will tell Lenny not to bother you tonight."

Chase hugged Heath one last time, then laid down and went to sleep.

Back In The Living Room...

"This is boring." Cyron sighed, leaning on Leo's shoulder.

"What? You're kidding!" Pete yelled.

"Oh you find Lucy boring, but not this." Cyron shot back.

"It wasn't boring, it just sucked." Pete laughed.

Heath sat down in Korey's lap.

"Everything OK?" Korey nuzzled Heath's neck.

Charmed: Demi-Gods 4 (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now