Return of The Chosen (Part 1)

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At The Graveyard Site

Three hands stuck up from a grave, then they started to claw their way to the top.

Zak, Pete, and Heath leaped up gasping for air and laying down in a circle.

"Oh." Heath took in more breaths.

"My." Pete cried.

"God." Zak growled out, all while trying to breathe.

«Opening Credits»

At The Manor...

The cousins walked into the Manor. They were limping, dirty, and had dried blood on them.

"Okay, so mission one?" Heath asked coughing a little.

"Take a bath, and change clothes." Pete answered.

"Break." They all clapped in a tired manner.

In The UnderWorld...

Vincent was enjoying a festival that the other demons have set up, for his thousandth year of being the Source.

"Sir, we have an issue." Joey, his servant, called out to him.

"What is it, Josie." Vincent called to Joey, with a nickname he gave him.

"You might want to hear it alone." Joey stated.

"Oh Joey, shut the hell up and just spit it out." A demon yelled, the music stopped and everyone looked at Joey.

"The... Charmed Ones..." Joey was stuttering.

"Are dead and gone. Now what is it?" Vincent stated impatiently, but with mercy only to Joey.

"Well, they aren't dead anymore." Joey said lowly and shyly.

"What?!" Every one gasped and looked around. Everyone started yelling and arguing.

"ENOUGH!" Vincent roared. "The festival will still go one, but I want you all to enjoy yourselves. Don't let such a rumor get to you."

"But, sir." A demon was about to protest, but Vincent glared at him.

"I said e-fucking-nough!" Vincent roared and glared at everyone. "Now, I will not allow my nation to fall to rumors and false accusations. Am I understood?"

Everyone nodded like scalded children. Vincent started walking around slowly.

"Obviously you stupid fuckers don't, because I don't hear any music." Vincent growled. The music flared and everyone slowly started back dancing.

At The Manor...

The cousins were now clean and in a fresh set of clothes. They were in the attic reading the book and making plans.

"Wait..." Zak thought out loud. "Bruce!"

"Puppy." Bruce called with a much tormented voice. Zak embraced his husband with tears and happiness.

"Pete..." Heath looked at Pete.

"Oh, right." Pete looked up, and then smiled. "Allen."

Within a second Allen was in the house, followed by Patch.

"Angel..." Patch crushed Heath into a hug.

"Wait, but how is this all possible?" Allen asked still holding Pete.

"We have no clue." Zak said. "But since we are back we have to make it right."

"By vanquishing Shax, and then the Source." Pete added.

Charmed: Demi-Gods 4 (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now