The Quotebook

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At The Pack's House.

Cyron was walking around pacing, because he was nervous and scared.

"Cyron, it's going to be fine." Monnie stated.

"What if when I get to the alter, he doesn't want me... or..or what if karma comes and haunts us." Cyron sat down on the couch.

"Can we just calm down." Chase stated. "Cyron, Leo loves you more than anything in this world, so get it together."

"You're right." Cyron more so told himself that Chase.

"No, come on so you can get your hair done." Ronnie sassed.

"I'm coming." Cyron stated.

At The Manor.

The guys were joking and laughing, but Leo was crying tears of joy.

"We have a BIG problem." Kyle ran into the room.

"What!?" Korey asked, not wanting Leo and Cyron's wedding ceremony to be ruined.

"The rings are missing." Kyle stated. Leo's world shrunk in front of his eyes.

"You're kidding, please be fucking kidding." Leo glared at Kyle, and almost growled at him. "Great, if Cyron finds out, he's going to believe some juju crap is going on and call of the wedding."

"Well, Cyron or the others can't find out." Knox stated.

"OK, so I'll write a spell to get the rings back." Korey stated.

"Yeah." the men cheered.

"But how do we write a spell?" Knox asked.

The men looked around confused.

Three figures in cloaks were walking out of the back of the manor with the rings in their hands.

"Phase one of bring down Remi-Con pack is completed." one of them said and they melted (type of teleportation) away.


"Pete walked in, carrying loads of groceries, followed by Allen, Zevin, and Ryan all of who arms were fully filled with groceries.

"What's all of the groceries for?" Lenny asked.

"Oh, you don't want to know how many more bags there are." Ryan said tiredly.

"We needed two cars to hold them all." Zevin sat down on the couch.

"OK, I'm going start the food for the reception, then I'll work on the boys' school luncheon meals." Pete went to work in the kitchen.

Heath walked into the room with two big bags of McDonald's.

"Fucking yes!" Knox and Korey went after the bag like teenagers.

"OK, so what's the setup?" Heath asked.

"Lenny, Kyle, and Knox will be my groomsmen, and my brother, Michael, will be my Best Man." Leo stated. "Monnie, Chase, Timmy, and Jimmy will be the bridesmaids, just Monnie will be the maid of honor."

"I will be giving Cyron away to Leo, as their alpha. And Thomas will escort you in as Cyron's parent, and he will also escort in Leo's parents." Korey finished before take half of the Big Mac in one bite.

"What was in those bags?" Lenny asked comically.

"Five Big Macs each." Heath stated nonchalantly.

"Holy hell." Kyle glared at Korey.

"I asked them if the wanted a snack." Heath said innocently. "And they said five Big Macs were a snack to them."

"I believe it." Lenny laughed.

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