Got To Get My Heart Back (Part 2)

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"THE CHARMED ONES!" The demons all panicked.

"Oh, guys just calm down. Its only two of them, remember." Ace laughed really loud.

Zevin walked out the room slowly and stood behind his cousins.

"Zev?" Ace asked confused.

"You don't call him that." Pete blasted Ace through the coffee table. This set the atmosphere, because it became very chaotic. Demons started fleeing, but some had stayed to fight.

A demon threw a fireball at them. Heath swung his arm and the fireball was sent back flying into the demon, blowing him up.

Two demons were trying to run and take cover, but Pete blew them up.

"Where are the demons who raped you?" Heath asked. Zevin pointed to three demons that stood by Ace. Ace and the demons teleported away. Heath grunted in frustration.

"OK, we need to get them before they do something else." Pete turned to face the two.

"Well, let's just get the hell out of here." Heath said.

At The Manor.

The cousins walked inside and seen a bleeding Allen.

"Allen, what happened." Pete rushed into the room and wiped the blood off of Allen's mouth.

"Fucking Ace and some demon." Allen grumbled, with a vengeance.

"Was it a setup?" Zevin asked.

"No, they weren't expecting me to fight back, or have Korey with me." Allen sighed. Pete was still nursing Allen's wounds with a first aid kit he pulled out from the hall closet.

"Where is Korey?" Heath looked around.

"He and the pack went to sniff out to make sure that the area is safe from Ace." Allen said, hissing when Pete applied the rubbing alcohol to the bruise.

"Sorry, Allie." Pete rubbed Allen's knee.

"It's OK, baby. Just a little less on the alcohol." Allen said gently.

Ring Ring

Heath picked up the house phone and answered.

"Hello?" Heath answered. "...why yes he is, give me a second."

Heath looked at Allen.

"Some sexy voiced guy wants to speak with you." Heath smirked, then handed Allen the phone

"Hello?" Allen asked skeptically, then looked around. "Really, Thomas? You can't stay out of trouble for one week... fine, I'm on my way."

Allen hung up the phone with frustration.

"Was that Thomas as in Dr. Hendricks?" Heath asked.

"No, his brother." Pete answered. "What happened, now?"

"He is trapped by a a group of warlocks...again." Allen stood up.

"Where are you going?" Pete asked with panic.

"To get him." Allen sighed.

"What power are you going to use on the warlocks?" Pete more so stated than asked.

"I can just teleport in there and teleport out." Allen tried to think of a plan.

"Allen, come on even you know that wouldn't work." Heath sided with Pete.

"That was kind of mean." Zevin commented.

"Oh, I wasn't trying to be mean. I just meant as our teleporter, he should know that that doesn't always work." Heath added.

Charmed: Demi-Gods 4 (boyxboy)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ