Cousins: "Eye For An Eye!"

Start from the beginning

"YESSSSSSSESS! He sent me!" The demon hollered out on desperation.

"That's exactly what I wanted to hear." Heath stabbed the man in the leg when he said hear. "Now you're the stupid motherfucker who probably thought I was an easy screw and kill. You thought you could just come in and penetrate my pink garden? Am I right?!" Heath twisted the knife.

"Yes! Yes! I wanted to fuck you." the demon was trying to breathe.

"Awe, hear I thought you were the romantic kind, gentle, with smooth kisses. Want to know why?" Heath smirked and applied pressure to the knife.

"Ahh! Why?" The man was crying.

"Because you scream like a little bitch." Heath moved the knife and chopped off another finger with the speed of light.

"ARGHH!" The demon whined.

"So I want you to tell my mate this." Heath smiled. "If he or another one of you fools try to get into my pink raised... aka my luxurious ass... then I will chop all of your dicks off."

Heath spread the demon's leg, as the demon was on the floor, Heath crawled between the demon's legs and the straddled him. Heath rubbed his face up on the demon.

"Tell my mate I can lead by example." Heath then licked the demon's face. Heath unzipped the demon's pants and stuck his hand in. "tell him that you are the first dick I ever touched."

The demon moaned a little.

"Uhm, Heath?" Jeremy spoke.

"And tell him to collect this dick..." Heath warned.

"Huh?" Jeremy, Mark, and The demon asked. But in a quick swift motion Heath chopped off the demon's penis. The Demon was in a fits of crying, yelling, groaning, and calling Heath all types of bitches.

"Jeremy, can you send this package to the Underworld for me." Heath laughed.

"Underworld." Jeremy waved his hand and the demon was orbed to the Underworld.

"Are you... ok?" Jeremy asked.

"Never better." Heath smiled and went upstairs.

"Mark..." Jeremy sighed.

"Honey, he's just going through a rough time." Mark spoke with all the care in his heart. "His heart is probably broken, and right now he needs his cousins."

"Why don't the others see this then?" Jeremy said.

"Baby, you can't judge them just yet. Right now we'll just have to help Heath the best we can." Mark kissed Jeremy hand.

At An Elegant Restaurant...

Bruce and Allen pushed in seats for Zak and Pete then took their own seats.

"Hello, my name is Jeffrey and I will your waiter tonight." a young blonde boy smiled, as he handed them menus. "Are you guys ready to place your drink orders?"

"Yes, we all will have red wine." Allen smiled and winked at Pete.

"Ok, I'll be right back with those." Jeffrey left. The others looked at their menus.

In The Underworld

Vincent was talking to two demons. One of the demon's eyes was whitish gray and the other one hands were lithe up.

"Go after the witches." Vincent stated nonchalantly.

"Ok, boss." the one with gray eyes

At The Manor

Charmed: Demi-Gods 4 (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now