I Came I Saw But I didn't...

Start from the beginning

"Pete, you can stop cleaning now." Allen stated as he rubbed Pete's shoulders.

"I can't because Heath is somewhere with the fucking Source, Zak is powerless and who knows how he will react, and then Miles starts magic preschool tomorrow." Pete slammed down some dishes.

"Baby, you're going to wake Miles." Allen shushed. "Now, what's best is if we take a hot bath and get a good night's rest. Then wake up tomorrow and take Miles to school, then have a meet and greet with the other parents."

"But..." Pete was about to object but Allen gave him a stern look.

"I will not be taking no for an answer." Allen pointed and poked Pete's nose.

"Fine." Pete sighed.

"Besides, Miles starts school, and I got a new head manager, so that means more time for us." Allen swept Pete up bridal style and walked out of the kitchen.

In The Underworld

As Heath and Vincent teleported down there, their bodies were automatically covered with chic robes. Vincent's was a heavy and thick red robe that dropped down to his feet, which had a pair of live wings, which were also red, attached. Heath was wrapped in a transparent and meshed robe, which was a mixture of black and gold. Heath's robe came to his elbows but had an under part that hung and went past his hands. The robe also had a hood attached.

"What are these?" Heath looked up to Vincent with curiosity.

"When the King and Queen of the Underworld enters, we get our cloaks of royalty and honor allowing demons to show respect." Vincent smiled, still holding Heath's hand.

"What about after we mate?" Heath asked.

"Whatever our mate power is, it will send a warning to any threat and it will show that we aren't anything to be fooled with." Vincent smiled.

"OK, but do we have to be down here." Heath asked frowning.

"Oh my beautiful Twinkle, you've only seen the back of the underworld." Vincent walked hand in hand with Heath into the Underworld.

When they got inside, Heath gasped.

"It looks like New York?" Heath stated in confusion. As what he and Vincent walked towards what looked like Times Square.

"Just a replica, we demons like to live in style too." Vincent smiled. Vincent waved his hand, and his mansion appeared.

"Where is this located?" Heath asked leaning into Vincent a little out of fright.

"Wherever we want it, Twinkle." Vincent kissed Heath's temple. "But right now it's in Tokyo."

Heath looked around and admired the landscape. There were a mixture of demons that looked like Japanese people, American, and like old fashioned ugly demons.

"So, how does it work?" Heath asked smiling a little.

"Like regular world travel but you get to your destination faster." Vincent winked. "Your dad and I chilled in Mexico last month. Well, not real Mexico, but you get the point."

"You 'chilled' with my dad?" Heath laughed in disbelief.

"Yeah, it's a normal thing with The Source and the God of The Underworld." Vincent led the way into his house. "Good evening, Mrs. Li!" Vincent waved to a neighborhood, who bowed back.

"Mi Cosa es Su Cosa." Vincent kissed Heath's lips. But then their fiery passion kicked in and Vincent had Heath pinned to the wall, and Heath had a hand full of Vincent's hair.

Charmed: Demi-Gods 4 (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now