Chapter 1

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"Dad, give me my phone back!" said Linsey as she tried to reach her phone in Mark's hand who was holding it above his head.

"Why? Who are you talking with?" he asked curiously and looked at the screen to read the message. "Is it a boy?"

"If you really want to know, yes, and it's Robin," she said when she finally could take the phone back, putting her purple hair behind her ear to look at the screen again.

"Robin? Why?" he asked back with confusion, but Linsey just simply smiled at him.

"Well, I have a little surprise for daddy," she answered, and with a quick kiss on her father's cheek, she ran into the recording room.

Mark didn't go after her, so she could sit down at Jack's desk. She didn't have much time before Jack came back from shopping, so she quickly went on YouTube and for her luck, Jack was signed into his account. She smirked and uploaded a video that Robin had sent to her not a while ago. She left his channels page on the screen so he could see it for sure. When it was done she put a camera on his shelf and connected it to the TV.

"I'm home." she heard Jack shouting, so before she left she also started Jack's camera because she wanted to see his reaction.

She quickly ran to her room and left her room door slightly open so she could hear her parents' conversation. Jack asked Mark where Linsey was, but he just said that he didn't know, so Jack went into the kitchen. She started chuckling from the thought of him finding her little surprise. When she heard that Jack was coming she quickly closed the door and lied down on her bed, and grabbed the nearest book to pretend that she was reading. Jack opened the door and looked at her.

"Oh, I didn't hear you," she said as she was lying on her stomach looking up from the book at Jack.

"Right," said Jack, and Linsey could hear that Jack didn't believe her, but he didn't suspect anything either. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." she nodded and Jack just nodded back before he left the room.

When Linsey heard that the recording room's door closed, she quickly jumped from her bed and went back out into the living room sitting beside Mark on the couch, smiling widely.

"What's with the smile?" he asked her then Linsey snatched the remote controller from his hand.

"Just watch." she chuckled and turned the TV on where they saw Jack's face.

"What is this?" asked Jack and Linsey just smiled.

Jack started the video and it was his office, but he didn't remember taking another video. He looked confused, until Linsey's face appeared on the screen, shouting and doing his iconic high five.

"Top of the mornin' everybody. Wait..." she said as she paused for a second then started laughing. "I mixed their intros."

She laughed again, then tried to get herself together, so she could continue the video.

"So, hi. As you may know or may not know, I am Linsey, the daughter of Septiplier. Yeah, I ship them too." she said then winked at the camera, which made Jack and Mark both laugh.

"Today I thought I'll surprise my parents, so I'm going to play some happy wheels because I know both of them are really good at it, but now I'll prove that I'm better than them," she said into the camera confidently with her hands on her hips.

Jack looked surprised and chuckled at the thought of his daughter playing video games, while Mark looked at Linsey who just smiled back at him, giving a smug face, because she knew what's going to happen.

"It's daddy's channel now, but don't worry dad, I wasn't forgetting about you. You should check your channel by the time you're watching this."

She smiled at Mark again, who quickly grabbed his phone to check his channel. Jack laughed on the screen because he knew exactly how Mark would react to this.

Linsey started the game and as she said, she was way better than them. She almost beat 6 levels within 5 minutes. While she played she used Mark and Jack's words and curses, which made both men surprised more, but they laughed a lot as well. They knew Linsey was funny, but she was way better in front of cameras. They've never laughed this much. When the video was over she stopped the game and said the outro.

"So, probably I wasn't as good as them, but I would love to see comments under this video." she laughed. "And now the outro. If you liked this video, punch that like button in the face..."

She was shouting just as hard and loud as Jack would, then when she reached the 'fun' part, she put her hands in the air and shouted even louder, LIKE A BOSS.

"But thank you so much for watching, and as always I will see you in the next video. Buh-bye." she waved happily in the camera then the video ended.

Linsey was watching the TV screen and waited for Jack's reaction. As the outro was rolling his eyes started watering and he covered his mouth, listening to her. In the end, he wiped tears away from his cheeks, then stood up and went outside. Linsey turned around and see Jack coming down the hallway to her. She stood up and waited until Jack reached her, then he hugged her.

"It was a beautiful surprise," he said and Linsey hugged back. "Thank you."

She just smiled at him, then hugged him again.

"So that's why you were talking with Robin," said Mark as a conclusion and they both looked at him as they released each other from the hug.

"Yeah, I sent him the whole video and he edited it," she said and smiled at Jack. "So it's not only my pride."

"Well, I will talk with him about this," Jack said and they laughed.

"Dad, did you read the comments under your 'gift'?" she asked, and when Mark shook his head she grabbed his phone to opened up the video and read the comments after each other. "She is so awesome. She is really like Mark and Jack, probably she learned from them. She should start her own youtube channel. More!!! I want to see her more. They should do a video together..."

"Well..." started Mark, but Linsey stopped him, putting her hand in front of him.

"Don't say anything, just admit that I'm better than you two," she said proudly and looked at them.

"Hey, maybe you started better than both of us, but you still have to learn s..." Mark started, but Linsey cut him off again because she just wanted to hear him say it.

"Admit it." she looked at him and smiled, which Mark couldn't stand so he sighed in defeat and rolled his eyes.

"Fine," he said and they laughed again, then started making dinner together.

Daughter (Book 3, the Feel the fire Series)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant