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It has been about 3 weeks since Tae has been dating Minna. And these three weeks have been absolutely silent, with no actions from Hoseok.

Taehyung would suspiciously glance over at Hoseok, but his gaze would never meet his, as if he was too indulged in his own thing. As if Hoseok completely forgot about his existence.

Taehyung was unsure if it was supposed to be a good thing or bad thing. He was happy that he wasn't being violated unwillingly anymore, but subsequently the thought quite bothered him that Hoseok was totally ignoring him after all that he did to Tae.

He could still feel his skin and stomach flushing whenever he let himself drift into his thought.

No. he wasn't supposed to feel this bothered. He had Minna, his beautiful girlfriend.

He shook his head to let go of the thoughts and looked at Minna, as if Min felt his glance, she looked at him, and blushed.

Minna's POV:

Minna completely fell for the shy guy and his boxy grin, she couldn't stop blushing whenever she would look into his eyes. She never thought she'd be accepted by the guy, but she considered herself lucky every single day.

But they don't quite converse much except in the recess and while they chat.

She thought Tae was shy whenever she tried to hold his hand and he awkwardly let go of it.

She was a little bothered when Taehyung often kept mentioning about how Hoseok was ignoring him.
She didn't know before that Hoseok and Taehyung were good friends. Minna didn't want to interrupt their friendship, so she would try to give them both all the time at school, sometimes even leaving Tae at class during recess but, it never worked.


It was a month since they were dating, and she didn't even receive a single love quote or a love message ever since they began their relationship.

And as days passed, frequency of Tae's excuses to avoid her were increasing.

She was more self conscious than she ever thought she could be. Then she saw Mei coming out from their class, Tae's sister, she made her way to her and greeted.

"Omg! Minna-unnie! How are youuu" she squealed in joy.

"I-I.. I wanted to talk with you." Minna nervously replied. Unsure about her decision.

Mei already knew about his brother and Minna, and she felt they both looked really cute together. Taehyung would smile whenever she'd mention Minna infront of her, but he would never blush.

Minna told her about everything that was happening from the past month.

How he'd flinch at the slightest touch, how he'd gaze out of the window or rarely ever look at her, how he'd sometimes mention Hoseok ignoring him as if it was really bothering him out, and how he wouldn't ever return the love messages back. And how he'd keep giving excuses.

Minna's eyes were starting to tear up as she spoke, she was completely drown in her low-self esteem that appeared out of the blue, she felt as if things were getting bad and it was her own fault.

Mei comforted her, she asked her to not be sad and cursed at her brother.

"That idiot.. making a pretty girl like you upset" she clenched her fists in anger.

"Please don't tell him anything" Minna squealed trying to calm Mei down.

"Are you sure you don't want me to break his nose?" Mei asked with her eyebrows furrowed.

"No no.. that'd hurt.. please don't" Minna confirmed.

"Hmm" Mei rubbed her chin in thought, "I have a plan to make things right"

Last updated: 21/11/18

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