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Alex lets her drive for some time before having her go back to the estate. She is lost to her thoughts so she just sits in her car and lets them flow.

"Were all my friends targeted or was that just them being unlucky?"

"We don't know. You were targeted so they know about you. It wouldn't be hard to then target your friends. I don't think they expected Adam to assign guards to the girls or how vicious the fighters are under Alpha Townsend.

"It is possible that the attack on the wolf pack was to gauge just how difficult it will be to take him down."

"How badly was his pack hurt?" Julie is sad, she likes Mike Townsend and doesn't like that he might have lost a lot of wolves.

"Less than a dozen I believe. They estimated that they killed over a hundred rogues. The attack on Silver Ledge was a huge loss for the rogues. There were many injured, but they should be back up to par before the end of the week.

"I don't think the rogues were expecting that kind of defense. Mike is vicious and makes sure that the wolves under him are as well. Even their females fight every bit as viciously as their males. The pack won't go down easy that's for sure. 

"Now that they are getting their luna they will be even stronger."

"I don't understand." Every time Julie feels that she is able to understand what's up with the supernaturals something new is thrown at her.

"A luna is the mate to the alpha of the pack. She is like a mother to them and helps the alpha run the pack. Margo not accepting or rejecting Mike made the pack weaker. If she had rejected him it would have been even worse. The pain, I'm told, of a mate rejecting you is debilitating. That can't happen now. Especially since the pack will now have the pups of their alpha to protect."

"So perhaps the attack was a good thing over all. The rogues are weaker, the Silver Ledge Pack is made stronger by Margo accepting Mike and only a few of their wolves being killed but the rogues having lost a large amount."

Alex smiles at her, "That's the spirit, love. We are going to destroy that rogue pack and things will become quieter." Alex caresses her face. 

"You are so beautiful, Jules. I can see why Adam calls you his Jewel." Alex bends down and kisses her.

He pulls back. He doesn't want to seduce her in her new car. It's not spacious enough to be comfortable.

"What would you like to do now?"

Julie stands up on her tip toes and whispers in his ears. Alex's eyes widen and he smiles. He's more than willing to do that.

Adam leaves his office still furious, but far more satisfied. He knows who is trying to take him over. As he climbs into the limo he makes a call.

"Travony, I have some news you might be interested in," Adam tells the man when he picks up the phone.

"Hello, nice to speak to you too. How was your day? Mine was lovely thank you." Travony says acidly. He never likes talking to Adam. "What do you have for me Demarco and how is your lovely lady?"

"Had a lovely day, turned two hunters to vampires and saved the luna of the nearby pack and her four pups she was carrying. Not to mention that my lovely lady's friends were attacked. Healed them. Just dealt with someone else wanting to try for a hostile takeover."

"You forgot about your lovely lady." Travony says all playfulness gone. He knows about the supernaturals, you don't mess with the dark side of life without learning all the dirty secrets. That's part of why he's so paranoid when it comes to Demarco.

"She's fine, at least she was before I left home hours ago to deal with the hostile takeover."

"Ookay, who was stupid enough to attempt that?"

"Someone that didn't learn the first three times I stopped them."

"They still had the ability to try after the first time?" Travony is beyond shocked. Adam really is protective of what is his.

"He has a lot of backing. You'll want to hear this." Adam tells him.

"The Italians are doing this to get a foothold here."

"Oh, fuck no. Leave them to me, Demarco, I'll make sure that they never bother you or your lovely lady again.

"She did get my gift?"

"She got it and cashed it like you wanted. Shortly after that rogues caught her. She damn near died before I was able to heal her with Aaron's help."

Travony's eyes narrow in anger. "How the hell did they get hold of her?" He is more than a little protective of Julie due to her parents and what they did to her.

"She became upset with my gift on top of yours and ran away from her protection. A friend saw her be abducted but was too far away to help. He called and let me know and gave me what help he could. It was because of that we were able to get her back before she died."

"They were killing her?" Travony frowns. That's not normal procedure.

"She had a major reaction to the drug they used when they kidnapped her. They actually had to bring her back once before I even got there."

"Damn. I'm surprised there are any left."

"There aren't at that location at least. We were only able to kill the thirty or so that lived there. The bigger nest is not too far from it though. They are next to be dealt with."

Travony laughs. Better them than him any day. "I'll deal with the Italians, you concentrate on those that threaten the lovely Julie."

Adam ends the call much happier than he had been earlier.

He decides that he needs to get back home. It's about time to get there and give Julie blood any way. He hopes that she isn't too upset by what his idiot brothers did.

He couldn't believe they did something like that without her permission. He sighs deeply and closes his eyes just trying to get rid of the headache that wants to come out.

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