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"She's here sir, I haven't seen her, but I caught her scent. The vehicle that brought her here left again about twenty minutes ago with one person in it. We've seen several people go in and out of the residence. Our best estimation is about twenty currently, but more could be inside that we know nothing about." One of the vampires that Adam sent reports to him when they reach the location.

Knowing that she's there makes them all breathe easier. They are just hoping that she won't be in bad shape. They can heal her of the physical damage, as they had done after she left her parents tender mercies. But they can't do anything for the mental ones.

"Damn the smell of trash is strong. It's a good thing Julie is human and can't smell that," Alex mutters. The others agree with him. The smell is almost overwhelmingly strong, but they've learned to ignore distractions when fighting.

"Go in, find her and kill any rogue that gets in your way." Adam orders and there is a feral light in his eyes as he gives the orders. Besides the six Demarcos there are six more vampires that joined him.

Aiden gives a slight nod. That sounds about right. If there are more rogues then that will be even better.

He needs to work off some anger and guilt and killing rogues is the safest way to do it.

They split up to cover all the entrances and at the signal they break in. They don't hesitate and start killing.

Aiden is the first to catch her scent. He lets Adam know that he's following her scent. Adam lets him know that he heard but is unable to join him as several rogues decided to gang up on him.

Aiden finds the entrance to the basement and follows the scent down the stairs. He can smell her scent but also that she was sick. This isn't good.

A rogue comes out of a cell that has the strongest scent of her.

"A Demarco." The rogue says almost silently and slightly thankful.

"A rogue," Aiden replies.

"She's really sick. She needs either Adam or Aaron immediately, I don't think she'll last long." 

"You need to back up, I don't trust you." Aiden tells him. He'd kill him, but the rogue seems to want to get Julie out of there.

The rogue backs up and makes sure to keep his hands in a surrender position. He follows the rogue into the cell and can smell her vomit even over the smell of the cleansers. "What he fuck did you do to her?"

Her heart is erratic and slow and her breathing shallow.

"Nothing other than drugging and bringing her here. I think she's having a bad reaction to the drug.

"I threw a bucket of water on her to wake her up. She woke up, vomited and then passed out again.

"Her heart stopped once already. We had to use a defibrillator on her to get it going again."

Aiden can tell from where he's standing that she is burning up.

'Adam, she needs you NOW! I don't even dare move her.'

As soon as Adam received that message he killed his opponent and threw another into the rest. He races out of the room and follows Aiden's scent down the stairs.

"No," Adam says coming into the cell. He can hear her heart she doesn't have much time.

"What did you do to her?"

"Nothing. She must be having a reaction to the drug."

Adam trusts Aiden to watch his back as he goes over to Julies. "Jewel, what is going on?"

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