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Silence once more settles into the room, but it is no longer menacing.

"Aaron give her a bit of your blood. I'm going to deal with Candy now." Adam needs to cool down before he messes things up. He needs to figure out how to approach things in the best way to get Julie to remain there at the house.

"It's not necessary. If you have some lotion I can use, they'll be back to normal in a day or so."

"I will not have you remain damaged  while you live in this house, even if it is only for this night." Adam tells her and leaves the room.

Aaron makes a small cut on his finger. "You can either milk the blood onto your tongue or suck the blood from my finger. Whichever would make you feel more comfortable." Aaron smirks, he hopes that she sucks his finger.

Julie gives him a hard look that wipes the smirk right off his face. She takes his finger and sucks on it. She feels the weight of the stares of the vampires as she does so.

"I don't understand why he's so worried about such a small thing."

"Adam has claimed you as his. You were harmed, true it is something very minor, but still harmed by someone in his home." Alex explains to her and shuts up when Aaron gives him a hard look.

Julie watches in amazement as her hands go from red and chapped to healthy right before her eyes. "Damn you could make a fortune off this if you could bottle it up."

Aaron smirks and she hears various noises of amusement from the others in the room. "Too risky. Humans aren't to know of our existence as other than tales of horror or fantasy."

Julie looks at Aaron then, "I was able to resist your command and that of Adam. Does that mean that I'll be kept here until I die?"

"That I can't tell you, Adam has it all planned out and he's the only one that knows what his plans are." Aaron does his best to tell her gently. In the short time he's known her he's learned to like her greatly.

"You are not a prisoner here, Julie. But before you go there are some things you will need to know. At that time, you will need to make a decision of whether or not you wish to remain here, under our protection or leave and take your chances." Adam says coming back into the room silently. His voice startles Julie and she's unable to hide her reaction.

"Forgive my ill manners, Julie." Adam says as her resumes his previous seat. Julie can't help but think that the chair he's sitting in is more than a little throne like and he the king.

"You wouldn't be too far off. Although there is no king per se, among the vampire kin, there is a ruling council. I am the head of said council. My brothers are all on the council as well."

Julie is doing her best to process everything she's been told and everything she's figured out, but she knows that there are things that she's forgetting that she wants answers to.

Adam's voice softens. "Forgive me, once more, Julie. I promised you answers and so far it seems that I've created more questions.

"I brought you here because it's not safe for you to be out on the streets. You've already attracted my attention. It won't be long before other supernaturals discover you and when they do they will either kill or take you.

"If you are in a home, then you will at least have some protection. Most supernaturals are like vampires and unable to enter without an invite." Adam explains to the confused human.

"Why did you bring me here and heal me?" 

"You aren't going to like this, but that night at the party I claimed you as mine. You are mine to protect and care for. I brought you here for your protection and you are welcome to stay for as long as you wish.

"You need to know, however, that if you stay you will need to remain indoors or be marked. Once you are marked you can leave the house either on your own or with one of us with you.

"The marking shows you as my and preferably my brothers as well, property." Adam knew this would make her angry and so waits for her to speak.

"I don't belong to you or anybody." Julie is clenching and unclenching her hands she is so angry.

Adam nods to her in respect. "I can understand why you feel that way. Like I said, if you remain you will need to stay inside where we can protect you. If  you choose to leave without our markings we won't be able to protect you from any of the supernaturals that cross your path. And they will, Julie, you can be sure of that."

"So if I stay, I'll be a slave?" Julie demands angrily. She is too angry to realize that she is crying.

Adam leans forward and gently brushes the tears away.

"You will not be a slave. We have sufficient number of those already. Nor will you be a servant, bound to our desires."

"So what will I be? A pet?"

"If that is how you would like to see yourself. A beloved pet. Every need would be fulfilled. Every want or desire given to you if it is within our power to do so. But I'd prefer to call you our girlfriend," Adam tells her softly.


"By agreeing to stay here, you would also agree to being under my brothers care as well."

"Just how the fuck does that work?" Julie is getting more and more sick.

"Each of us would be assigned a day with you. I would be Monday, Aaron will be Tuesday, Alex is Wednesday, Aiden Thursday, Arthur Friday and Azlo would be Saturday. Sunday you have free to do as you wish, stay around the house or leave and do whatever. If you wish you can choose one of us to share that day with you as well.

"We would request in addition that when there are parties or functions that we are required to attend that you would be our date."

"Our again."

"Yes, Julie, you would be escorted by all those that will be attending. The main escort will be whoever's day it is with you unless you went to an event with him recently. Most events and parties take place on or near the weekend so we will rotate if that happens. Arthur and Azlo don't really care for the functions and parties so they rarely go."

Julie looks at him distressed, but unable to speak. 

Adam does his best to keep his voice soft and gentle. He's not used to giving a damn about anyone's feelings and so he's not sure if he's doing a good job or not.

"What is the marking you mentioned?" Julie finally manages to get out. Her tone distressed and tight.

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