Chapter 8

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1 month later
I take a picture of the twins. We decided on 2 names;Grace Madilyn and Lauren Faye. I send it to Demi.

Can't believe the twins are already 1 month old!

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Can't believe the twins are already 1 month old!

Awwww Catalina is 2 months old already!

So cute <3 So hows life going for you 3?

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So cute <3 So hows life going for you 3?

Great! Wilmer has been a great dad! The other day he brought me breakfast in bed because I stayed up until 2 AM taking care of Catalina.

No fair! Both Hunter and I have to be on baby duty all the time because when 1 baby starts crying it sets the other 1 off and no way can I take care of 2 babies at the same time! So dont think you have it bad :/

Catalina's crying gtg

Ok byeeee


I put my phone in my pocket and watch as Hunter walks into the house. I walk to the entrance and peck him on the lips. He rocks me back and forth. "How have the twins been today?" I sigh, rubbing my eyes. "They've been crying off and on the whole day;I haven't gotten one nap." He chuckles. "You can take a nap, babe, I can take care of them both for now." I shake my head. "But they both cry around the same time, you can't!" He nods. "I'll figure it out, trust me." I sigh and nod, heading to our bedroom. I get into a pink nightgown and fall asleep. I awake about 2 hours later. I go to check on Hunter and the twins. I stay silent, with him bouncing both the twins. I lean on the doorframe. He starts singing to them. I giggle and walk in. "How is my family?" I ask. He smiles. "Fine, I guess. This will be our life for the next 17 or so years, so I guess we have to get used to it." I giggle. "Was your nap good?" I nod. "It's been forever since I could fall asleep that fast." He nods.

2 years later
I put both of the twins in their cribs. Their 2nd birthday passed a month ago, crazy, isn't it? Their learning to use the potty, as they already know how to walk. I start thinking and shake my head. I've been vomiting and I've been feeling dizzy recently, it can't be. I mean it might, it's worth a try. I go into the bathroom and grab a pregnancy test out of the bathroom drawer. I take it and make sure the twins are falling asleep before going back in the restroom and look in the mirror. I get butterflies in my stomach. After a couple minutes I look at the results of the pregnancy test and burst into tears, curling into a ball on the floor. I'm scared and worried like I was with the twins, even though Hunter and I are in the best stage of our relationship yet;we've been married for a year and we've been trying to get pregnant for half a year. I take a different pregnancy test and that one has a plus sign. I continue crying and smile. I'm really pregnant. This is happening! I start crying even harder and wipe the tears. I put the pregnancy tests back in the drawer and call my biological mom. "Hey honey, what to do you need?" I take a deep breath. "I need you to take care of the twins;I have to do an errand." "Okay, I'll be there in 20 minutes." "Great, bye." I hang up and call my gynecologist. "Hello, I'm Stacy. Do you want to schedule an appointment?" "Yes. Are there any openings yet today?" "There's one with doctor Johnson in an hour at 5 PM." "I'll take that one." "Great. What's your name?" "Nic'Kayla Carter." "Okay, we'll see you then." "Thank you." I hang up and grab the pregnancy tests and sit in the living room, crying and smiling. Before I know it my mom's knocking at the door. "The doors unlocked, come in!" I yell and continue to look at the pregnancy tests. She comes in and almost gets past me without looking, but she does. "What's that?" She asks and I giggle. She bursts into tears. "How long have you known?" She asks. "I just found out;that's why I'm going out. I'm trying to get out of the house before Hunter gets home;as I just want a more formal way of telling him, unlike with the twins. He's working the nightshift tonight, so he shouldn't be home until 9. I'm going to the gynecologist, then I'm going to the store." She nods. "Good luck!" I nod and stick the pregnancy tests in the drawer again and head out. Once I get to the gynecologist and get into the room, it's the same routine as it was with the twins. The gel, then the scanning. I smile. "So, it's just one." I clap. "I don't know if I could deal with another set of twins." She smiles. "Oh, you have twins? How old are they?" I giggle. "Their 2. Trust me, they will not stay quiet, and since they learned how to walk, they only stay still when their sleeping." She chuckles and moves the monitor around. "The baby is healthy, your around a month pregnant. Your due date is April 2nd." I nod and she hands me the paper towel to wipe off. After the gynecologist, I go to a store and get some balloons and head home. As I walk into my home I check the time on the clock. I have 2 hours. I grab a piece of paper and write on it.

I've got a riddle for you.
We've been trying it for 6 months
It's existed for 1 month
It's coming in 8 months
We've had 2 in the past
It's in my stomach right now
What am I? Xoxo

I set the balloons on the floor by it and go to find my mom. I giggle and watch her, sleeping with Lauren. I decide not to wake them and wait for Hunter to come home. I can hear him fiddling with the door handle and stand up, waiting for him in front of the door. He opens it and pecks me on the lips. "Hey babe." I lead him to the letter on the table. He reads it and shakes his head. "Your pregnant?" I nod and burst into tears. He hugs me and rocks me back and forth.

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