Chapter 2

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"I was in here, worrying, Caleb. Don't tell anybody, I want to tell them on my own, especially Hunter. It's his kid, I have the right to tell him." He nods. "I'm just shocked. Mom and dad will lecture you on how you should wait until your married." I sigh. "Wheres the other two?" "Their getting us some pizza." I smile, putting my hands in the air. "Their the best." Caleb nods. I grab the pregnancy tests and throw them in my suitcase. I sit on the one bed, waiting for Hunter. As soon as they walk in, I take a piece of pizza, patting next to me. Hunter plops himself down on the bed. "You didn't have any plans for tonight, did you?" He sighs. "I was going to have a picnic right after this because all this isn't going to fill me up." I sigh. "Can we take a walk right after instead, just you and me?" He raises an eyebrow. "I'll explain it when we're walking." He nods. As soon as we finish our pizza, I take Hunter outside. We start walking, holding hands. "Why did you wanna walk?" I sigh. "I have to discuss something with you." He nods. "You don't wanna break up, do you?" I shake my head. "So, you know how I've been feeling sick recently?" He nods. I stop walking, facing him. "I'm pregnant with your child, Hunter." He crosses his arms. "Is this a prank?" I shake my head, crying. He smiles and picks me up, twirling me around. As he sets me down, he kneels down. "Hi baby!" He takes a quick glance at me. "I'm your daddy." I giggle and hug him. He pecks my lips quite a few times before he starts crying. "I'm going to be a dad." I chuckle. "I'm so sorry I'm so emotional." I shake my head. "It's fine. When I found out I was crying for a half hour on and off. He chuckles and puts his arms around my waist and I put mine around his head. He kisses me. "We should probably go back soon." He says. "I'll be back in a little bit, I'm going to see if I can get an ultrasound today." He nods, heading back. I call a taxi and hop into it. "Where to?" I sigh. "Hospital." The driver nods. "So, you heard of Demi Lovato?" I giggle. "Yeah, actually I'm going to one of her concerts tomorrow. I actually had a similar situation to hers." "Mind if I ask how?" I shake my head and take a deep breath. 

"Ever since I was born my dad beat my mom," I sniffle and take a deep breath. "Take your time." The driver replies. I nod. "My mom would always be so calm around me, like nothing ever happened. Once I turned 3 my dad started beating me. When I was 7 my dad was beating my mom. H-he came into my room, searching for me. Once he found me he started beating me. Then my mom came into place." I burst into tears. "She said to hurt her all he wanted, but not to hurt me," I burst into tears again. "Then my dad shot her twice, then she was gone. He acted like he didn't kill anybody, and went off to the bar. Then I ran off and this lady adopted me, but she abandoned me shortly after. Then I got adopted by a couple, and I got a little brother out of it and now I'm pregnant. Demi Lovato inspired me because she was abused as a kid as well, and now she's one of the best singers in the world." I hear the driver giggle. "How much would you like to meet her?" I think. "It would mean the world to me! I also found out I was pregnant earlier, and I thought my boyfriend would leave me, as we're both only 18 and 19, but he was as supportive as a boyfriend could be." She giggles. "Well, anyways, my name is Demi Lovato." She takes of her glasses and I burst into tears. She giggles. "I can't believe it's you, I've been a fan since you were in Camp Rock!" She shakes her head. "Embarrassing!" I giggle. "Anyways, is this your first ultrasound?" I nod. "I just found out I was pregnant this like an hour ago." Demi nods. "Well, because your such a long time fan, i'm giving you 2 backstage passes to my concert, you get the chance to be onstage with me, and you get my phone number." I raise an eyebrow. "Why the phone number?" She shrugs. "I can see us being friends, can't you?" I giggle and nod. "There's plenty of connections between us both." I think for a minute. "I don't know why I'm just thinking this now, but i'll never be able to see my dad again;ever." I sigh and put my head in my hands. "He hurt me, but he's still my father. He's probably change in the past 11 years." I burst into tears, shaking my head. "I should've just stayed there, I could've been there for my mom's relatives, they probably figured out my mother was dead years after she passed. I'm a horrible daughter." Demi shakes her head. "No, your not. You did what was safe for yourself." I shake my head. "I'm just pointing this out right now, we haven't even moved an inch." I chuckle. "Of course. Can I get a selfie?" She nods. I text Hunter.

Hey babe!

What's up? You waiting for doctor?

Nope, haven't even left yet.

Why? Is something wrong!? I'm coming!

Nothing's wrong, babe. Guess who my driver is

Your mom?


I burst into tears and shake my head.

Sorry :(

It's fine

Don't wanna stress baby

Anyways, my driver is Demi freaking Lovato!

I'm jealous :s

We do have backstage passes to her concert <3 


wtf you never use omg

this is a special occasion tho

fine. gotta go byeeeee

byeeeeeee luv u 

I sigh. "Sounds like a good boyfriend." I giggle. "He's perfect. We've been dating for about a year now." She nods and pulls out onto the highway. I look over at Demi. "How did you get out of the abusive situation and now it looks like you don't even know it existed? I know your dad didn't kill anybody and you didn't have to get stitches, but it still haunts me. My dad murdered my little sister too, but that's another story." She shakes her head. "No wonder your dad's sentenced to life in prison." I giggle and nod. "Mind telling me the story of your sister?" I nod. "She was only a year younger than me, but my dad stabbed her a few times and hid her body down by the lake. She was only 3, but she knew how to talk, walk, and use the potty, but of course I had to teach her as my dad was always beating my mom." She nods and pulls into a parking spot. "You wouldn't mind if I came in with you, would you?" I widen my eyes. "No, you can come in." She nods and I walk to the front desk. "Is there any chance I can get in for an ultrasound yet today?" The woman nods. "There is a doctor open in about 15 minutes." I nod and sit down. After a few minutes, 2 nurses come out. "Nic'Kayla?" I see the woman next to her, who looks a bit younger than me, thinking. I stand up and walk over. "A-are you Nic'Kayla Hanna?" I nod slowly. The woman drops down, crying. "I'm Leila Hanna." I burst into tears and hug her. "I thought you were gone!"

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