Chapter 1

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Today is my 18th birthday. I was returned by that woman and shortly after I got adopted by a nice, young couple. They had to be in their mid 20s when they adopted me. In a few weeks I will have been living here for 10 years already. My dad went to jail when I turned 10, and he's sentenced until death. My mother was the prettiest woman I had ever seen, but I don't really have any memories of her, as my dad killed her when I was young and him killing her erased every other memory I had.

I sit up in my bed, putting a neon blue crop top on with blue jean shorts and blue converse. I rush downstairs, grabbing a bowl of cereal. "It's 10:30 Nic! How are you just getting up now, sis?" I giggle. "Dont ask me, how are you already awake? We stayed up until 5 AM at that party!" Caleb shrugs. I gulp down the last bite of my cereal. "Eager, huh?" I nod. "Our plane comes at 3, we have to get there 3 hours early, and it takes me like a half hour to do my makeup! Wait, why aren't mom and dad up?" He rolls his eyes. "They both have to work today, because both of their work's have plenty of people gone today." I nod, rushing up the stairs to do my makeup. As soon as I know it, Caleb's calling for me, saying it's time to leave. I rush down the stairs with my suitcase. I rush up the stairs and grab my phone, texting Hunter.

Hey babe, meet you at airport?

Yup! <3

K xoxo

I push the suitcase out to my car, stuffing it in the trunk. I get in on the drivers side and fasten my seatbelt. When we get to the airport, we wait for Hunter in the lobby. I watch as he walks in and I stand up, wrapping my hands around his head and kissing him. "It's only been a couple days, Nic, calm down!" I giggle, crossing my arms. "I can't help that I love you!" He rolls his eyes. "Trust me, I love you too." I sit back down and pat the seat next to me. Caleb sighs. "Stop making me jealous, your just making me want to see Isabella." Caleb is going long-distance with Isabella, as she lives all the way over in Britain. I put my arm around Hunter's neck, laying my head on his shoulder. We've been dating for about a year now, but I've known him for about five years now. As soon as we get on the plane, I start talking with Hunter. "So what have you been doing for the past 3 days?" I ask and giggle. "Nothing much, my little sister got pregnant, my mom got furious, and I went to her ultrasound. I giggle. "How old is she?" He sighs, shaking his head. "16." I raise my eyebrows. "I dont even know if I ever wanna marry you now, having a niece who's like 18, almost 19, years older than me!" He rolls his eyes. I giggle, pecking his lips. "Your laugh is heaven." I smile, placing my head on his shoulder. I take a nap, awaking when we get to the next a few airport, with Caleb nudging us both. I groan, putting my hand on Hunter's. "This is so comfy!" He rolls his eyes. "Break it up!" I sigh, standing up. I hold his hand, walking to get our luggage. We get so many compliments on how cute of a couple we are. I peck his lips. "We were meant to be. Now where's the ring?" He rolls his eyes and chuckles. I burst into laughter. As we grab our luggage, I watch as Caleb rushes off. I giggle and take my luggage after him. There's Isabella. I put my arm around Hunter's waist, watching Caleb and Isabella. He rolls his eyes and shoos us away. Hunter and I walk towards the exit. We stand at the exit, waiting for Caleb and Isabella. They catch up eventually and we head to a taxi. We head to our hotel and I head to the restroom right away, puking. This is the longest I've ever been sick. I think and take a few deep breaths. I always take a stash of pregnancy tests with me. I've never told Hunter this, but I'll tell him when it's the right time. I always have 2 kinds, so that I can be sure. I take two and place them on the counter. I brush my teeth waiting for the results. I look at the results and turn around, falling onto the floor, crying. I hear a knock at the door, and I rush to the door, locking it. "I know your in there, Nic! You just locked the door!" I wait until I think Calebs gone and unlock the door. "Nic, are you okay? You've been in there for about a half hour!" I burst into tears. "I'm coming in!" I swear as Caleb comes in before I can lock the door. He glances at the counter, shaking his head. He goes closer to the counter. "What the f***!?" I bury my head in my hands. I'm pregnant.

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