Chapter 7

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A month later
I look at Hunter. "Todays the day we find out what we're having!" He nods and pulls me close to him. "We're going to love him/her no matter what, right?" I nod. He pecks me on the lips. I glance at the guest list.

Guest list
Demi Lovato
Mia and Frank Rodriguez
Nic's Mom and dad
Hunter's mom

There were plenty more, the rest were mostly friends of Hunter and I's, and a few of our parents' friends. Hunter's dad died when he was young, so therefore he isn't on the list. The only person who knows what gender I'm having is Demi. I go out in the front of the house and greet people, while Hunter steals snacks. When everybody is here, Hunter and I regroup and rant to eachother. I then try to catch everybody's attention. "So, everybody, there are treats and activities you can do. There is about a half hour until we reveal the gender!" I go and talk to Demi. "I can't wait for everybody to find out I'm having twins!" I whisper. She nods and I giggle. "But like Hunter said, we're going to love them no matter what." Demi smiles. "That's how every parent should be." I nod. I talk to people until it's time for the actual gender reveal. I regroup with Hunter and I start shaking. "I'm really nervous." Hunter wraps his hands around my waist. "It doesn't matter what gender he/she is, it just matters that we get a healthy baby." I nod and we go the front of the crowd. "I am so nervous, seriously." Hunter chuckles and pecks me on the lips. "So who's team boy?!" A few people scream. "Who's team girl?!" Alot of people scream. I giggle and the crowd starts a countdown. Hunter puts his hand on mine as I use the thumbtack to pop the balloon. Pink confetti and glitter flies out. Hunter drops down, crying. I giggle. Demi brings another balloon out and everybody gets confused. "So theres something that only Demi and I know about this pregnancy that Hunter doesn't even know." Hunter crosses his arms. "What is it?" I giggle. "I'm having twins!" Everybody screams and Hunter drops down crying again. I kneel down next to him and peck him on the cheek. "I've been wanting to tell you ever since I found out, but I thought it would be cuter at the gender reveal." He nods, standing up. He puts his hand on mine again and the crowd starts the countdown again. We pop the balloon. Pink again. Hunter wraps his arm around my waist and we kiss. We talk with everybody for a while before they leave.

3 months later
It's been 3 months since the gender reveal and Hunter and I got a house together. I'm binge watching a TV show and Hunter's at work when I start having contractions. They get to the point where their just a couple minutes apart. I call Hunter and put him on speaker. "Hey, babe. What's up?" I groan. "What do you think?" "I don't know." "I'm in labour, Hunter!" "F***! I'll be home as soon as I can be." "I don't know how long I can wait, Hunter." "Just stay calm, get into your swimsuit and I'll call the midwife." I take a deep breath. "Ok." We hang up and I struggle to put my swimsuit on. There's a knock on the door. "Who is it?" I yell. "Hunter!" "Come in!" I'm still struggling to get the bottoms on. Hunter comes in and gets a tank top and shorts on and helps me. "I'm going to go fill up the pool, okay?" I nod and pace back and forth. There's a knock on the door and Hunter gets it. It's the midwife. Hunter hands me a big ball and I go back and forth on it. After a little while the midwife checks how far dialated I am. I take a few deep breaths. "You can get in the pool any minute now." I nod and slip off the ball into the pool. Hunter slips off my bottoms and the midwife looks at me. "So Hunter and I are each going to hold a leg, that fine?" I nod quickly. "Ok. Push whenever you want." I nod and push. I take a few deep breaths and push again. "Your doing good, the heads almost out." I nod and push hard. "The head's out!" She says. A little while later I'm holding the one girl and Hunter's holding the other one. I look at the one baby. Then reality kicks in. I'm a mom now.

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