Chapter 19: Finally Ready

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Well it's been a week since we have been here, and things have been weird as usual. I woke up next to Taylor once again. The fifth night in a row to be exact. Dad texted me and told me that they wanted to expand the trip for the next six months, because they are making covers and stuff here.

I thought that was awesome, I loved the idea it gave me more time with Taylor and his friends. I crawl out of Taylor's bed. Yes, you read that right. He offered me to stay here a bit so I'm not paying for a hotel for the next six months. 

Taylor now knows everything that's been going on, and I have been thinking alot. I think I'm finally ready to talk to everybody. I slip my clothes on, and head downstairs to make some breakfast for the two of us.

I then feel arms wrap around my hips. "What did I say about cooking so much? You should be resting." He says in a raspy morning voice.

"I'm literally not that far along Taylor. Relax, I'm not putting myself through much yet." I say making our plates.

I set our plates on the counter, and we both eat. "I'm going to talk to everybody today." I say to him. He looks up at me.

"Are you sure about this?" He asks.

"Yeah I am. I need to. They have to know. I'm even telling Andy today that I'm pregnant, because if I don't someone will say something, and it will be big. Stress I don't really need." I reply. He nods.

"Alright babe. I will drive you over there. I have to go to a meeting with the guys anyways." He says. I nod finishing up my food. I slip on my shoes, and Taylor drives me over to the house they are staying at. 

Taylor drops me off, and I walk up to the door. I knock loudly hoping they hear. 

A few minutes later, some random man answers. "Hello, I'm the Butler here. How may I help you?" 

"I'm here to see my mom and dad Brook and Michelle Gibson Wyatt." He nods allowing me by. He points me to a theatre room. I thank him and walk towards that room. I am taken behind a stage. 

"Hello Miss. Are you here to sing a song?" A young lady asks. 

"No. I'm here to speak with my family. They are in the theatre." I say. 

"Ahh, well how about you sing something first? I could use someone up there. They are having a talent show, but we need someone to close it out." 

"I'll do it then." I say. 

"Good, you're up." She says. I take the mic from her, and take a deep breath. The curtains open, but it stays dark. The music begins to play to The Greatest Showman-This Is Me. 

I am not a stranger to the dark
Hide away, they say
'Cause we don't want your broken parts
I've learned to be ashamed of all my scars
Run away, they say
No one'll love you as you are  

A spotlight shines onto me, I see faces I know, and faces I am a bit unfamiliar with. Their faces are covered in shock that I am here. 

I continue singing because it's calming my nerves right now. I try to keep my eyes off of them to keep from messing up. When the song is over it's silent.

"Hey guys. So uh, I know you're quite shocked to see me. Since I've like disappeared for the past week, but I needed some time to think. To think about all of the things, that have happened, that have gone wrong, here, back home everywhere. I don't really know what to say because I am extremely nervous right now. I love all of you, I need you to know that much. But the real reason I'm here is because, I have big news. I found out on the second or third day here. Anyways, uh here goes." I say anxiety rising. 

Tears begin flowing as I sniffle a little. "I-I'm p-pr-pregnant." I say sobbing. My body begins shaking, feeling the judgmental glares coming from everyone, even my best friend.

I stare at them all, wanting them to say something. That's when Andy breaks the silence.

"We're having a baby?" He asks his voice cracking, and our eyes moving to him. 

"Yeah. Yeah we are Andy." I say finally controlling my cries. A few tears rush down his face as he walks down the steps. 

"Wow." He says. 

"I'm sorry Andy that this happened. I know that neither of us are ready and it's just so much. I reall-" His lips crash with mine. 

"I don't care. You and I are ready, I promise. It may not have been the way we wanted it, but that's okay. I will be here for you and our child, because I love you so much, and I am a fucking fool for you. I am an idiot for doing those things to you, and I really need you in my life." He says.

"I-I love you too Andy, so much. And maybe this break was a bad idea. I really need you too. And I want to be with you." 

"Then be with me." 

"I am." I say. He smiles as we earn approvals from the others behind us. 

"I love you Athena, and I want to do this right, so. Will you Athena Rae be my girlfriend again?" Andy asks. I smile at him.

"Of course I will be." I say.  

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