Chapter 14: What Happened Last Night?

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I wake up to the sound of my phone buzzing under my head. I flutter my eyes open, grabbing my phone. I see that my mom has texted me a billion times asking where I was and if i was okay. 

I look around, finding myself in a room, that's not familiar in any way. I turn and see that Mikey is sleeping with his head at the foot of the bed. My head is pounding, wondering why or how the fuck I ended up in my uncles room down the hall from mine. 

I sigh but quietly crawl out of bed, seeing that I am dressed in sweats. I begin to freak out quietly, but I decide to just grab my phone and get to my room asap. So I quietly leave uncle Mike's room, racing to mine, quickly entering it. I close and lock the door. 

I rummage through my suitcase, then rush to the bathroom, turning on the shower. I climb in allowing the water to cascade over my body. 

The memories of last night, somewhat coming back, but not things I wish I could remember. Like, how the fuck I got to Mikey's room, and ending up in the same bed as him? However, atleast I wasn't naked.

Pretty sure Mikey and I did nothing, he probably stayed sober to make sure that I was safe, and letting loose. He probably just brought me here, seeing as I was drunk, and probably didn't even know my fucking name let alone where my room key was.

I start to feel better, thinking about it. Knowing Mikey that's probably what happened. I do know last night was for the books for sure. 

As I finish washing off, I feel dizzy and nauseous, yet again. Feeling weird I quickly dry off, then kneel in front of the toilet. I almost instantly throw up, causing me to feel tears while my throat burns like crazy. 

I sniffle, trying not to cry. My stomach doesn't even hurt, I'm just fucking nauseous for some reason. 

I push it to the side, and stand up. I brush my teeth then put on some sweats. I brush my hair, grab my phone, and room key then walk down to the lobby to eat some breakfast. 

"Good morning Miss. There's breakfast over there lining that wall, the silverware and plates/bowls are on the far left there, and the drink machines are over there lining the right side of the wall." A young lady says. I smile thanking her, and making my way to get food. 

I get a plate of bacon, eggs, ham, toast and waffles, then grab some coffee and orange juice. I find the table that I sat at last night. It's somewhat hidden, and sheltered, making me feel a bit safer. 

I'm not one for socializing in the morning, when I have a fucking hangover, but any other day I'm a morning person. Which is crazy, but when you get to wake up everyday, doing the job that you love then yes, you will be a morning person, if you have to be up at a certain time, which being the owner of my company, and the co-owner of my mothers, then yeah I have to be up really early.

As I am eating, someone sits in front of me, causing me to almost choke on my food. I look up to see Rye, looking fucking awful. I thought I looked bad? Wow.

"Fuck Rye, you look like shit." I chuckle.

"Not so great yourself." He replies sipping his coffee.

"Trust me, I know. Do you remember anything from last night by chance? I woke up in Mikey's room with him in bed this morning, we were both dressed, but I remember nothing after taking that fifth shot of Henny." I ask him.

"Well yeah I remember everything, and you practically tongue fucked a girl on the dance floor last night." He laughs. 

"No fucking way." I say serious now.

"Way." He says eating some of my bacon. 

"I have such a horrible hangover. Why do I have to drink so much? Like I don't know why I go ham every time I fucking drink." I say running my hands down my face.

"Same. But I'm glad you don't remember too much. You were not...well....yourself." He says. 

"That has me wanting to ask so many questions, but I will find a little bit out here and there as the week continues." I say to him.

"True. Well I better get back upstairs. Sophie's feeling pretty rough this morning too. We all are more than likely." He says standing up. He comes around the table hugging me and kissing my head.

"I'll meet you down here at 2. We are going out to the beach. Just you and I, alright?" 

"Sounds good. See you later." I say putting my plate away and going back to my room. I crawl into my bed, and start playing on my phone. I decide to go look and see if I have any selfies or evidence from last night.

I open my gallery, immediately regretting it. I see pictures of some of the craziest and weirdest shit ever, but one particular thing catches my eye. It's a picture of Aphro sitting on Rye's lap, and Harvey holding a random bitch on his lap. 

My eyes widen. I jump back out of my bed, running straight to Aphro and Harvey's room. I step into the room, seeing Aphro naked, and alone in the bed. I hear the shower turning on, so thinking it's Harvey I quietly step out rushing back to my room until I run into someone falling onto the floor.

"Shit. Sorry." I say opening my eyes. 

That's when mine meet the most beautiful pair of green eyes I have ever fucking seen.

"Sorry too. I wasn't watching. Are you alright? You need help?" I chuckle at his nervousness. I take his hand. 

"Thanks. I wasn't paying attention myself." I say, my accent strong.

"You're a long ways away from home there love." He says in a thick Southern accent.

"Sounds like you are too, babe. I'm Athena." I say.

"Colby. So what brought you to the states? California to be exact. There's more places that are better than California." He laughs.

"Vacation with friends and family. We needed one. It's a long complicated story." I say. "What about you?"

"I live in San Diego, but wanted to come stay here in L.A. with some bros." 

"Nice. Well I guess I will see you around Colby." I say walking to my room, successfully without running into another person.

I sit on my bed, deep in thought hoping that the pictures aren't as they actually seem to be.

What happened last night, and who else knows?

Colby above ^^

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