"Why don't we just go to the cabin and eat," Greyson added, glancing at me for approval.

"Yea, sounds like a better idea than trying to fit in somewhere in here," I chuckled nervously.

"Anyway, it's loud, I can barely hear myself think," Genevieve forced a little louder, walking ahead of us to the exit.


Dead leaves crunched under our feet as we walked past wandering groups of students and towering trees that swayed in the soft breeze.

Following behind Greyson, who was leading us to the cabin, Genevieve caught up with me and sighed to get my attention.

Setting my eyes on her now pleased expression, I grinned when she took in another breath to speak.

"The food seemed good... of course, it's all about how it's going taste now," she mumbled.

I nodded, curiously eyeing her seemingly light weighted plate.

"That'll be difficult with all of the healthy things you got."

She rolled her eyes and opened her plate to show me her arrangement of baked asparagus, green salad and baby carrots.

I scrunched up my nose in disgust and watched as she scoffed, closing her plate.

"You've obviously never had a bite of a fresh salad... the crunch of it all could send you into a leafy paradise," she sang.

"Disgusting," I laughed.

She grinned and nudged my shoulder.

Letting her eyes fall on the others, she narrowed her eyes and turned to look at me again.

"So... how are you feeling about Natalie? I saw her staring at you earlier," she stated, seeming to get annoyed.

Grinning, I shrugged.

"She's... been... Natalie. I mean, I thought she hated me, but now... it doesn't seem like the break up ever happened in her mind. I don't know, I just hope she isn't planning anything."

"Knowing her, she probably is," Gen began with amusement. "She's like a pertinacious, terminal disease... only a physical form that has the ability to walk," she joked, walking ahead of me to head up the stairs to the cabin.

Pausing before the doors of the small cabin, I turned to look at the cafeteria in thought, frowning before I found my gaze on the knob before me to walk inside with the others.


I smiled after taking a bite of my mac and cheese, bringing my eyes up to notice as
Greyson sat across from me on his bed with his legs crisscrossed underneath him.

Focused as he ate from his plate, he hummed to himself, his toes curling up in bliss.

Almost as if he felt my stare burning into his forehead, he looked up to meet my never faltering gaze, grinning at me now with chewing lips.

Genevieve sat on the floor beside his bed and sighed contently after crunching loudly on her salad.

"Damn, is it good Gen," Ellie joked.

She nodded and pointed at Ellie's plate as sat next to me.

"Is that trash that you love so much good?"

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