Chapter 1

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♪♪♪ "Making my way downtown walking fast

Faces pass and I'm home bound

Staring blankly ahead just making my way

Making a way through the crowd ♪♪♪

A Rolls-Royce Sweptail sped through the dark and lonely country road. Luna was sitting in the backseat of the car; her older sister Angel sitting up front next to her boyfriend Michael. Angel and Luna are passionately singing along with the radio.

 Angel and Luna are passionately singing along with the radio

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♪♪♪ If I could fall into the sky

Do you think time would pass me by?

'Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles

If I could just see you... ♪♪♪

Angel turned around to face her little sister. ♪♪♪ "Toniiiight." ♪♪♪ As the song continued, Luna, Angel, and Michael burst out laughing. Just then, they arrived at the movie theater. The laughter subsided as Michael drove up to the front entrance where the valet was. The valet opened the passenger door; Angel and Luna got out of the car. Michael handed his keys to the valet and escorted his girlfriend and her little sister into the theater.

Luna decided to get popcorn and water; she swore off sodas because she got tired of her mom's constant nagging about how unhealthy they are. Popcorn isn't too bad though, Luna thought as she popped a couple into her mouth. The movie started after what seemed like an eternity of trailers.

Luna is sitting next to her sister and Michael was on her sister's other side. I guess you can say Luna is third-wheeling on her sister's date night. The romantic comedy is one that she had really wanted to watch, but none of her friends wanted to see it or had already seen it.

Third-wheeling is nothing new to Luna. She is asked to tag along on her sisters' dates all the time because they do not want her to feel left out. She sometimes feels bad for the boyfriends, but her sisters insist.

After the movie ended, Michael drove the girls back to their home. As Luna skipped to the front door, she heard Angel gasp loudly. Luna turned around to find Michael on one knee in front of her sister. "Yes!" Angel shouted half choking on her tears of joy. Michael slipped a ring onto Angel's finger and stood up, picking her up with both arms and swirled her around as they kissed in the moonlight.


Thank you for reading He Loves Me. I have started writing a new story, CRUSH. I would really appreciate it if you give it a read and let me know what you think! 


***When I was about to start typing away on this first chapter, Vanessa Carlton's "A Thousand Miles" immediately popped into my head; I do not know why, so I thought it would be a nice segway into the story.***

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