Painting a Picture (Glaz)

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If there is one thing I have learned after many years in the military, it is that people are not rain, or snow, or autumn leaves; they do not look beautiful when they fall. I have seen many people die, a lot at my hands, some not. Some were comrades, or civilian. Some? Lovers. Or specifically one. (Y/N). It was a few years before my time at Rainbow and I remember that night so clearly, I just might regret that night for the rest of my days.

"Моя любовь (Moya Lyubov'; My Love), I'm home!" Glaz called as he walked through the door to their house, finding it to be empty. He frowned, walking into their room. It looked as if something had happed. The painting was half finished; she never left paintings half finished. Tubes of paint was scattered across the room without any caps on, paint everywhere. "Моя любовь? (Moya Lyubov'?; My Love?)" he called, feeling panic rising within him. Soon the phone started ringing. He walked up to the landline and picked up the phone. "Glazkov." He answered. "Timur..." he heard a voice from the other side sobbing his name, making his grip on the phone tighten."(Y/N), are you okay?" he asked "Now that I have your attention" a new voice said, his fist clenching into a fist by his side, making his knuckles turn white. "Why do you have my wife and what do you want?" he asked through gritted teeth. "I want you to come here, within two hours. Unarmed and alone. " The man said before saying an absurdly high number and asked for military information. He gave Glaz an address before he hung up. Glaz was boiling with anger. He walked into the basement and grabbed his uniform, his OTs-03 and his PMM.

He drove his car and stopped a few hundred meters from the abandoned building. He looked around before finding a good spot, hidden from plain sight. He quickly made his way there, using the dark of night to his advantage. He flipped his HDS flip sight into position and started locating the people who had called him. "A trap..." he said. He counted six hostiles. He kept looking and then he found a woman bound to a chair. "(Y/N)... Stay calm, I'm coming for you Моя любовь (Moya Lyubov'; My Love)" he muttered to himself. If he was quick he could probably eliminate about four before they noticed anything, if he was lucky. He moved closer and took a deep breath before firing four shots in rapid succession, each bullet hitting their target but the last one had time to react, not enough for him to survive though. The last two had taken cover. He moved in closer and was now inside the building. "Put down the gun Glazkov!" one of them called. "We still outnumber you and now we know you're here!" the other called making Glaz chuckle loudly. "This was a trap, and if you're smart, if you value your continued existence, if you have any plans about seeing tomorrow there's one thing you never, ever, put in a trap. Me" he called and saw one peak their head out from their hiding spot, he fired one bullet and his body became limp. "Outnumbered?" Glaz called but felt his heart sink once he saw the other one jump out of his hiding spot, taking cover behind (Y/N).

A gun was now aimed at his wife's head. "Come out!" the man called. "Or your wife's blood will be on your hands!" Glaz froze before lowering his OTs sighing. "Okay, I'm coming out..." Glaz sighed. "Leave your rifle!" the man said and a thud could be heard as Glaz let go of his OTs. He raised his hands above his head before letting the man know where he was. The man walked towards Glaz with a sickening smile on his lips, aiming his gun at Glaz. "Timur what are you...?" (Y/N) whispered but before she could finish Glaz shot her a reassuring smile, pulling down the cloth he had to cover his mouth. The man started laughing maniacally. "You should have done what I asked" he said before whipping around, firing a magazine from his gun towards (Y/N). The second the man had looked away, Glaz had reached for his PMM shooting him in the head, but it was too late. The deafening scream of his wife filled the room.

Glaz rushed to her side. "Моя любовь! (Moya Lyubov'! ; My Love!)" he called. "Are you okay? I'm so sorry... I'm sorry.... Please forgive me..." he said but (Y/N) reached up and cupped his cheek, hushing him. He looked her over and sighed in relief when he saw that she was only hit in the shoulder. "Let's get you to a hospital..." he said

She got hurt because of me. That never should havehappened. If I had just done what they had said she wouldn't have been shot.But she might have gotten killed once I gave them what they wanted. Did I makethe right decision? I'll never know. I'm just glad she's alive. 

Up Next:
You're Free to Leave Me (Blackbeard)
For a Single Moment... (Mute)
Some Scars Stay Unseen (Tachanka)
A Bunch of What If's (Bandit NSFW)
And So I Cry (Smoke)

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